Chapter 32: Farewell

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Becky ignored me throughout the week because of my decision. She didn't want to leave and wanted to stay with me until we graduate, but that would be dangerous. I couldn't move properly on my investigation because I was afraid that while I was away someone might abduct her again. I couldn't protect her. But if she's in England, she has a family and Tong is there though I don't know who is he, I think he's Becky's great friend.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" I asked while she was putting powder on her face.

Today is her flight and Non is the one who will bring her to the airport. She can't trust her uncles here and she's also afraid.

Becky ignored me and put lipstick on her lips. I badly wanted to wipe it off using my mouth, but I know she would only chase me away. I couldn't let her leave without fixing this.

I hugged Becky from behind, but she still ignored me.

"I won't leave if you come with us. Don't make this hard for me, Freen." Finally, she spoke.

I nodded and went back to my bed to watch her put light makeup on her face. She's gorgeous and doesn't need all of those.

"Anyway, I can't promise to answer all your calls once I arrive there. There are things that I need to prioritize." I nodded again at her words.

"I know. I won't call you unless you call me," I said as if I already understand the situation.

I hate this atmosphere. It's subtle and I can't fathom if Becky wants to break up with me. I won't let her leave if she does.

A knock came on the door, causing Becky to stand up and face me. She smiled bitterly and leaned in for a sweet delicate kiss, making my eyes well up.

"I have to go. See you in three years." She patted my head like a child and turned her back.

I stood up and hugged her from the back.

I know this is what I want but it hurts to see her leave. I can't take this, but I have to. I have to let her go for her safety. I have to choose her peace of mind over my happiness.

"Freen. Tell me not to leave, and I won't. Ask me to stay and I'll change my mind," she whispered but I shook my head.

"Take care, Becky. I love you so much." That's all I can say for now.

Starting tomorrow, I can only see her through the screen. It won't be the same anymore, but we'll fight together.

"Let's go," Non said and looked at us in the same position.

Becky removed my hands and looked at me as she pursed her lips. She tucked in the remaining hair that was covering my face and planted a goodbye kiss on my forehead before she went in Non's direction with her luggage. Before closing the door, she smiled sweetly at me and mouthed, "I love you too."

I decided to go to the rooftop to divert my attention. The clouds look bright and the atmosphere is serene. It's like I'm in heaven except that I feel empty right now.

Becky's on her flight now and I guess she's feeling the same. I hope she's going to be okay there. She's a grown-up now and can handle herself.

"Want a cig?" someone asked me from behind.

It was the guy who asked me to go with him to the masquerade ball. What was his name again?

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him intently, trying to remember his name.

"It's Seng. You already forget me, that's ouch." He grabbed the left side of his chest, acting like he was hurt.

"Sorry. I'm not good at names," I said and pursed my lips.

Seng handed me the same cigarette Heng smokes. And now I wonder if they were siblings.

"Are you related to Heng?" I asked and lit the cigarette using his lighter.

Seng chuckled and shook his head. "Heng doesn't have parents. He's alone."

I tilted my head and turned to him confusedly. "What do you mean he's alone?"

"Heng is my childhood friend. We're the same. I grew up here but my family visits me every year. I asked him why his family doesn't come and he told me that he was an orphan. T.S. saw him somewhere and took him in." Seng explained and looked at the horizon. He leaned his elbows on the bar fences and beamed.

The difference between them was every time Heng smiles, his eyes were glistening while Seng's eyes disappear.

"That's why Heng never told me about his family." I nodded when I understood his situation.

"Do you know that Heng and I fought before because of a girl?" Seng chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. "And he promised that we would never love the same girl again."

I guess he's the reason why Heng couldn't admit that he loves the girl he was talking about the last time we saw each other.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Freen?" he asked.

Uh, why so sudden? Are we close enough to ask me that?

"I don't have."

"Then, can I ask you for a date?" he asked again.

My feet were glued to the ground. I wanted to run now, but I have to answer for the sake of my being.

"No, I have a girlfriend."

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