Chapter 26: I Found You

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"Here. This is the list of the people who also went home yesterday. Based on the cameras, there are only five people who went in the same direction as her, but only two returned on time." Heng explained.

I looked at the information about all people but I didn't who they were. After this, I would greet the students here so that if Becky got missing again, I would know.

We received a tip a while ago that one of the students here in IdR sabotaged Becky. That's why we're looking for a possible student who knows her location.

Argus, Jason, and Felix. Those are the names of the three people who didn't go back in time.

"We need to find these three," I said to Heng, but he shook his head.

"I called them. They'll be here."

I nodded.

Minutes passed before they finally came. Argus has a nice body and face. He looked like an athletic and well-respected guy. I think he's into modeling. Jason looked like a romantic guy based on his shirt. It says, "lol ur not Pia." I don't know who's Pia but I think it's her girlfriend. Lastly, Felix. He looked like a nerd and he entered with a book in his hand.

I turned to Argus and interrogated him alone. He told me that he was late because his car stopped in the middle of the road. He showed me a picture of him he posted on Instagram. He ensured that he didn't see Becky's car yesterday and that he didn't know what kind of car she had.

Next, Jason. He told me that he was with her girlfriend yesterday and she didn't want her to leave. She showed me a picture of him and his girlfriend while they were dating in a Chinese Restaurant.

Last, Felix. He said that he went to a bookstore and got occupied so he lost track of time. He showed me the receipt for the books he bought.

"Do you get all their alibis?" Heng asked and I nodded.

I re-read all the information and my hand turned into a fist when I realized who it was.

"Thanks for your cooperation. Becky was missing, so I have to get all your statements." I smiled.

"Wait, how?" Felix asked.

Argus looked away. Yes, Argus. We didn't tell you that Becky was missing yet you know that we were looking for her.

"Jason and Felix, you may go." Heng turned to Argus. "You stay here, Argus. Until the headmaster arrived."

Argus tried to run but there were guards everywhere. One guard hit his legs so he wouldn't try to escape. He groaned in pain and he returned to his seat.

"No, I don't want to meet the headmaster. She'll torture me!" he shouted.

I went in his direction and slapped him.

"Freen! You don't have the right to hit him unless I told you," Heng said and tried to stop me but I glared at him.

"Then tell me! Tell me to punish him by myself!" I yelled at him.

Argus trembled when I looked at him. I could feel the infuriating sensation building inside me and I wanted to rip his face.

"Tell me. Where did you bring her?" I asked in a shallow, hoarse voice. "I may not be the most powerful, but my girl is. So, while she's still breathing tell me. Where is she?" I yelled at him.

"Outside the campus. There was a hidden building near the IdR mountain. Three blocks away from here." He confessed. "But there were lots of armed men. You wouldn't get out alive if you were not armed."

Heng gathered all the trained guards in IdR. We left Argus to the headmaster and we headed to the place he was talking about together with the guards.

"I need a gun." I took one from the guard and they all pointed their guns at me.

This was the first time I got pointed by a gun but I didn't move. I wasn't scared. Perhaps, my trauma was gone. Or was it because of adrenaline? I didn't have time to get scared. Becky is in danger.

"She needs a gun, let her. Put that down," Heng ordered.

The guards hid their guns and Heng turned to me.

"Stay alive, Freen. We're going to save a life, and I don't like sacrifices."

I deadpanned at Heng's words. "I'm not stupid."

I didn't know if we were outnumbered because we only brought 20 men. They immediately surround the building. Luckily, it wasn't that tall.

Heng motioned for them to enter and they did. We both followed them with guns in our hands. Once they entered we heard gunshots everywhere, causing my body to tremble. The sound of those gunshots was resonating through my ears which made my body weaken.

"Are you okay?" Heng asked.

"Yes, we need to find her."

Although I wanted to turn around and let them do the work because of my trauma, I needed to do this. Becky needed me, and she was waiting for me.

I can do this.

I stepped inside and found dead bodies everywhere. They were all shot in the head and blood was everywhere.

"Clear, she's upstairs." One guard told me so I hurriedly ran.

I couldn't see clearly because of my blurry vision. I tried to wipe my tears but I couldn't stop them. Once I reached the second floor, I entered the only room.

Becky was there, lying on the floor with her hands tied in the chain. Her face was covered in blood to the point that I couldn't recognize her. If I didn't see her off yesterday, I wouldn't know that they were the same person.

"Becky," I whispered and held her in my arms.

I untied the rope and wiped the blood on her face. She was breathing but didn't respond. I shouted Heng's name and asked him to get the campus ambulance so he called it.

I turned to Becky who was still unconscious. I hugged her tight as hot tears streamed down my face.

"Please wait for the ambulance. Don't do this to me, Becky," I whispered. "I'm here. I found you." I cried hard.

"They're nearby," Heng informed and I nodded.

"They're here Becky. Hang on a little." I tried to sound brave but deep inside I was dying inside.

"Please fight, babe. I love you," I said and cried again.

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