Chapter 27: It's Him

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I was pacing back and forth while waiting for the doctor to come out. Becky's family arrived and went to the nurse immediately. When the doctor came out, he went to her family and told them that she was fine and doing well now.

Becky's brother went to me and looked from my head to toe.

"You must be Freen. Becky keeps on talking about you ever since she changed rooms. Thanks for thanking care of our baby. If you need help in the future, you can call me." He handed me a business card before entering the VIP room of IdR Hospital.

I wanted to see Becky now, but she needed to see her family first. She needed them more than me, and I wouldn't sulk just for that.

I went outside to get some fresh air when Heng sent me a picture of all the casualties during the operation a while ago. A familiar face caught my attention.

"Isn't this Becky's bodyguard?" I asked myself.

I messaged Heng to ask who were those guys and he told me they were the men who abducted and tortured Becky.

Why did he torture the person he was looking out for? Or it can be?

I ran to the parking lot and looked for Becky's car. I heard it was fixed now and someone used it this morning. When I saw it, I immediately get my camera and acted like a vlogger.

"Hello, excuse me. You have a nice car here," I said and looked at the car pretending to be amazed. "What do you do for a living?" I asked the driver.

"I'm not the owner of this car, but I'm a businessman." He answered.

My feet froze when I saw the face of the driver. It was him. It was the person who killed my father.

"Who's the owner, sir? Your wife?" I asked again.

"No. It's Becky. One of the students here in IdR. Do you know her? I heard she's famous." He smiled at me, sending shivers all over my body.

I couldn't believe that I was facing the murderer. I wanted to take out the gun and shot him in the head, but it would only ruin my name.

"Yes," I said trying to sound calm. "Thank you, sir. I hope one day, Becky can give me a ride." I smiled and waved at him.

I returned to the hospital and Becky's family went out, so I had the chance to talk to her. I badly wanted to see her.

The moment I entered, I saw her sleeping peacefully, so I only sat on the chair beside her and intertwined our fingers.

"Look how it perfectly fits. Does it mean that we're meant for each other?" I asked though she couldn't hear me. "Once everything is fine, I will take you somewhere you won't forget. You can relax there. You can have peace of mind." I kissed her hand.

I badly wanted to tell her that I saw the killer and now I could sketch him, but I was afraid that he already caused trauma to her.

I couldn't believe that one of her uncles tried to kill her just because she knew something. Keeping Becky alive would give a threat to him.

"I'll protect you from him. I won't let him touch you," I whispered.

I took a nap beside her and woke up in the evening. I didn't notice the time. I was about to get up when I heard someone enter the room. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Who is she?" the man asked. I bet he's Becky's father.

"My roommate. She's the one who took care of me," Becky said and caressed my hair. "She must be tired."

"After all these incidents, I can't let you stay here Becky.  Come with me to England. Tong is there, and Richie is there. There's no danger." Her father tried to persuade her but she only sighed.

"Let me think about it. I don't want to leave this place yet. It's my home, Dad."

"We're your family. England is your home. What's in here that you can't leave?" Mr. Armstrong asked.

"Everything. I love being here. I love the environment." A lie. "I love the people." Another lie. "I love everything about here." Endless lies.

"Fine, but promise me that if something happened again here, you'll go back to our country. Understand?"

I didn't know what they did because there was a 15-minute silence. After that, his dad went outside and Becky continued to caress my hair.

"Although I want to go back with my family, I can't leave you, Freenky. I'd rather be beside you during a storm than be safe but alone. I'd choose you over anything. And I hope someday you'll realize it." Becky heaved a sigh. "I love you, babe. And I'll help you to get through this mess."

A tear fell from my eye.

What did I do to deserve you, Becky? How can you love me when I don't even love myself?

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