Chapter 9: Missing Globe

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"All of the first-year students should remain inside their dormitories. No one is allowed to go out until further announcement."

I rolled my eyes when I heard Heng's voice on the speaker. I threw my bag on the bed and crossed my arms.

I was about to head out to my first class when I heard the announcement, and now I think the classes had been canceled.

"What happened?" Becky asked while drying her hair. "Did something happen so we're not allowed to go outside?"

I shrugged and grabbed my phone to message Heng about the announcement. He immediately replied that there was a missing globe. Willem Janszoon Blaeu globed back in the 16th century. It was donated by Mr. Armstrong, who is Becky's father.

If I'm not mistaken, that globe was big enough and couldn't be hidden in a pocket. Who would steal it? Was that expensive?

"Heng said that the 16th-century globe was missing. Do you know something about that?" I asked.

Becky shook her head and sat in her favorite spot. "My father bought it at an auction. If I remember correctly, it costs more than a hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

My eyes widened.

For a globe? They would waste their $150,000. What a filthy rich Armstrong.

"If someone stole it, they can sell it for more than a million now. It's ancient and collectible." Becky winked and wore her reading glass.

"I think they will inspect every room. Aren't you afraid that someone might set us up?" I asked worriedly.

Becky turned to me and lifted her eyebrows.

"That's my father's asset. If they pointed me as the thief, then I could make stories. Don't worry, Freenky. I'm fine."

I nodded my head. Should I look for it? I have a terrible feeling that it was here.

I looked under my bed and saw a box that was not mine. My heart started beating fast, and Becky looked at me in confusion.

"Wait, you're the one who stole it?" she asked.

I immediately shook my head and stepped backward. Becky opened the box, and the oldest globe was there.

Who would put that under my bed? Are they trying to expel me? What the heck?

"Room 101. Freen Sarocha and Becky Armstrong."

We heard Heng outside, causing us to panic. They opened the door and saw the globe in front of us. The headmaster sighed in disbelief and motioned the guards to cuff me.

Becky was taken aback. She couldn't utter a word.

Does she think I'm going to steal something huge like that? How can I sell it without passing the guards? I thought she was brilliant.

Becky knew that I was not wealthy. So, she must think that I wanted to buy something. Damn it!

Heng looked at me worriedly while the guards were pulling me to the headmaster's office. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't think of something. Everything happened so fast.

"What's the globe doing in your dorm room?" T.S. asked me coldly. She's scary, and her tone is intimidating.

"I didn't know that it was there. I was checking if someone set me up, so I looked under my bed, and I saw it." I explained.

T.S. didn't believe me. Instead, she motioned the guards to tie me to the chair. Was this their punishment for all students who made a mistake? Or was it only me because I didn't have power and authority?

"Then tell me, who do you think stole it?" she asked in a shallow but threatening voice as if I didn't drop a name, she would torture me.

Loud knocks on the door made the headmaster roll her eyes.

"That's Ms. Armstrong. Let her in," she said.

The guards moved and opened the door politely. Becky entered the office as if she was the owner of the school. Wait, isn't she?

"Headmistress." Becky started.

"It's the headmaster." T.S. corrected her.

"But you're a girl," she retorted.

"What do you want?" the headmaster asked irritably.

I chuckled at their conversation, causing the guard to point their bat at me. What the hell? Am I not allowed to laugh now?

"It was me who brought the globe inside our dorm," Becky said.

What the hell is she doing now? Does she know what the headmaster can do? Wait, can she touch her? Or she's doing this because she knows that she's powerful?

"Why are you covering your friend's mistake?" T.S. lifted her brows.

"I didn't. I was the one who borrowed it. I could talk to my father and apologize for my behavior if that's what you want." Becky took out her phone, but the headmaster shook her head.

T.S. ordered the guard to set me free and let me go. Becky smiled at me and helped me leave the office.

When we reached the dorm, she helped me sit on my bed.

"Someone's trying to set us up. They wanted to ruin my image by using you," Becky mumbled and went back to her study spot.

"If you know they are using me, why did you help me?" I asked.

Becky turned to me and flashed her sweetest smile. "Because I like you. And I'll do anything to keep you."

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