Jealous and Possessive - Part 35

Start from the beginning

"Sir, this is what you can call jealousy. And it was not like that. I know how to handle all these kinds of things. Let me tell you one thing we girls are much better in handling all this as compare to you guys." Teju replies to Karan.

"Yeah, I am admitting that I was jealous because of his continuous gaze on you. I am possessive kind of man." Karan says to her and looked straight in her eyes. And both shared a cute eye-lock. Karan is smiling and Teju is keeping expression less face.

"Are you done, Sir? We should go back to office. There is a lot of work pending." Teju asks Karan.

After paying the bill both quickly leaves from there to office.

Karan parks his car and they enters the main door. There is chaos inside the office. Everyone is running here and there. One employee comes running toward them.

"Karan Sir, Tejasswi Mam, where were you two?" Nishant and Omi sir are looking for you. Please go to you floor they are waiting there for you.

Karan and Teju immediately move to the elevator. That employee calls Omi and informs about Karan and Teju arriving. Omi informs Nishant and both run near to the elevator.

Elevator doors open. Karan and Teju come out and Nishant quickly pulls Karan on one side and Teju follows them.

"Where were you both? We all left together. How did you both get so late. Why you switched off your phone? And Teju, why were you not answering your phone?" Nishant shoots at them.

"Hold on Nishant. I didn't eat anything since morning. I was hungry so I just went to eat something and Tejasswi was with me so I took her along with me. My phone was not charged that is why my phone was off." Karan explains Nishant everything.

"And my phone was on silent. Sorry." Teju replies while taking her phone out of her purse and checks all the miss calls.

"But Nishant, what happened? Why are you interrogating us like this?" Karan asks Nishant.

"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot. Actually, Miss Riya and Mr. Yuvraj are here and they are sitting in your office and waiting for you." Nishant replies.

"Why are they here?" Karan asks with confusion.

"How do I know? Let's go now and talk to them." Nishant says and all agrees

They all start walking toward Karan's cabin. Everybody enter Karan's cabin. Miss Riya and Mr. Yuvraj are sitting on the couch. They stand up as they saw all of them entering.

"Miss Riya and Mr. Yuvraj, you two are here? I mean if you would've informed us earlier we would've arranged something special for both of you." Karan says to them. Teju looks at Karan when he says special.

"But still actually we thought you are busy that is why we came to your hotel and did the presentation there." Karan asks them.

"Actually, we thought that meeting went pretty well. Tejasswi presented it so nicely. And we heard so much about SP Kundrra, so we thought of meeting him as well." Yuvraj replies to Karan but he was continuing looking at Teju only. Karan notices that. Even Teju notices it and avoided completely.

"And also, I know you all are coming next week to Jaipur for construction work but we came to invite you to come at least 2 days before that. Actually, we have an annual festival and for that we came to invite you and your father." Riya adds further.

"Actually, SP Uncle is still not back from his appointment. But we will definitely convey the message to him. And also, thanks for inviting and we will definitely be there. Right Karan?" Nishant replies to Riya and Yuvraj and also asks Karan to confirm about the invitation.

"Yeah sure, we will be there but I am not sure about dad." Karan replies.

"Tejasswi, you will also come, right?" Yuvraj asks Teju.

"Of course, She will be there. She is very important part of our team." Karan replies on Teju's behalf. Karan looks at Teju and smiles. Riya notice Karan's care towards Teju.

"Okay then, bye everybody. We will see you soon in Jaipur." Riya says to all. And she handshakes with Karan for few seconds which was longer than usual.

They leaves from there. Teju, Nishant and Omi also start leaving.

"Tejasswi, wait I need your help." Karan calls Teju and asks her to stay back.

All leaves and Teju stays back.

"Sir, what do you need to talk about? We were together since morning. I know why did you asks me to stay back." Teju says to Karan while folding her arms.

"What do you mean by that, Tejasswi? I asks you to stop because I have some questions about the presentation and just wanted to clear all the confusion before we talk to Dad about the presentation. Yes, I like you Tejasswi but it doesn't mean that you will judge all my actions." Karan replies to Teju.

"Okay please leave for now, I will talk to you after some time. I need a coffee." Karan says and leaves her alone in the cabin.

Teju feels bad that she judged him.

"I shouldn't have said that to him. I completely judged him even after knowing that how much he value his work. He is very hardworking and a very good businessman, I should've thought before saying anything to him." Teju says.

Karan goes to the cafeteria to get a coffee but it was crowded. He drop the plan and goes back to his cabin. Teju was following him and she saw that he couldn't get the coffee due to the crowd. So, she immediately goes and make a coffee for Karan and takes the coffee to his cabin.

Teju knocks at the door and goes inside. Karan sees her coming with coffee. He is bit pissed at her for judging him. Teju place the coffee in front of him.

"Karan Sir, your coffee." Teju says to Karan.

"You don't need to do this for me. This is not your job until I ask. From the next time I will keep in mind that I should not call you in my cabin. We will try to communicate through calls and emails. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable here." Karan says to Teju. Teju feels really bad.

"I am sorry Sir. I didn't want to hurt you. Of course, you can call me anytime to discuss about work. I already brought the presentation here. We together can watch and talk about the issues." Teju replies to Karan.

"Let's focus on the presentation first." Karan says and both of them start watching the presentation. Karan is being very formal with Teju which bothers her. Karan is acting weird.

After some time, SP Kundrra comes and Karan tells him everything about the presentation they gave to Rajput's. Karan also tells him about their visit and invitation. After the discussion on the presentation, SP Kundrra leaves.

Karan again ignore Teju. But now Teju wants to make everything right. She goes close to Karan and tries to talk to him.

"Tejasswi, I think you should leave before you think that I am stopping you on purpose." Karan says to Teju.

"Come on Sir, I was joking. I am saying sorry to already. I promise, it won't happen again." Teju says and it is visible on her face that she is feeling very bad.

Karan sees her face and just couldn't control and hugs her. She was taken a back with sudden hug but don't know why she doesn't protest but also she doesn't hug him back. Karan is feeling peaceful and he is completely lost in her. Teju broke the hug and Karan smiles at her.

"Tejasswi, no matter what I will make everything how it use to be. I can't lose you. I will make sure one day I win your trust and love." Karan says to her. Teju looks at him but she has no expression on her face. She quickly leaves from there.

"Tejasswi you matters to me the most. I am very possessive about you. You will be mine only." Karan says.

                        Precap- Yuvraj meets Teju and her friends in a restaurant. Jaipur trip

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