Chapter 25: Preparation!

Start from the beginning

Renjiro: "Tabitha, could you pour us some tea? That and bring a medkit."

Tabitha was confused but she did what she was told. Renjiro got up before he walked toward the back garden.

Renjiro: "Follow me, kid."

Zeldris got up and followed him outside behind. When the two were outside, Zeldris tucked his hands into his pockets. Renjiro walked over to his shed before unlocking it and leaning in to grab something.

Renjiro: "Give me the debrief and why do you need to learn such power. Depending on your answer, I might let you live."

Zeldris gulped before saying.

Zeldris: "Just using my hands to fight won't do anything against people that are cursed. Tristan had the moon curse and I barely scraped by with my own..I don't want to ever enter that form again, it was something straight out of hell."

Renjiro: "Hmm..alright."

Renjiro grabbed something before he leant up, it was a metal bat. It had small lumps around the tip and centre, it seemed like if it was to would most certainly cause sufficient damage to a body.

Zeldris: "What is that for?"

Renjiro: "Discipline. You wanted to train didn't you?"

Zeldris: "Yeah, but I didn't expect to be clubbed."

Renjiro: "Martial arts training is different, when it's hand to hand, you learn how to avoid punches much easier, that and it takes a while to kill someone with punches and kicks. Curse training is a different ball game Kid, your curse power output is based on your emotion. Like your fear, determination and most importantly your resolve. You can't control a curse if you have no emotion. You can't utilise it to it's full potential if you don't have any imagination either."

Zeldris thought about it for a moment, he could see where he was coming from. Zeldris remembered the determination, anger, hatred of Tristan and Donny. Zeldris was emotionless at first, he didn't have the heart or care to do anything. He had to change..he needed to. How would he defend his friends?..or even find out the mystery he longed to solve. Zeldris balled his fists in his pockets before looking up at Renjiro.

Renjiro: "My training isn't for the weak, you might die if you're not careful. I'll train you as promised but do you have the balls to pull through?"

Zeldris cut his eyes, he stared daggers at Renjiro as he heard his words..he was not afraid of death and no stranger to it. Renjiro had a small smile seeing that look.

Renjiro: "That look, it reminds me of my bunk mates back in basic. You be careful showing that look around, some punk might shoot it right off your smug face."

Zeldris cracked his knuckles before he got into a battle position.

Zeldris: "Not if I kick his ass first."

Renjiro laughed briefly.

Renjiro: "Good answer. Now come at me with all you've got kid!"

Zeldris nodded before running at Renjiro at full speed. Tabitha watched the two from the window. The scene changed at Zeldris was covered his bruises and cuts, not a scratch was on Renjiro.

Renjiro: "Good, you've now exhausted your usual stamina. Now dig into your curse power and conjure up this moon curse you've told me about."

Zeldris nodded before pointing his hand out. He tried to expel something but all that was scene was a light glow before it faded.

Renjiro: "You can't expel anything if you don't have something in mind, Kid. That's not how curses work."

Zeldris: "But I can't th-"

Renjiro raised his fist before backhanding Zeldris. Zeldris stumbled back holding his cheek.

Renjiro: "There's no such thing as "Can't" kid. You're just not putting in the effort. Remember what that rich kid did? He was a natural at using his curse because he studied the true power and potential of the moon. You can do that too, just think and implement it or you'll wind up dead. You don't want to die before you achieve your goals do you?"

Zeldris shook his head before he closed his eyes. Zeldris remembered a fact from earlier..he remembered the nerds voice.

Random student: "If you stand directly under the moons light you're actually lighter."

Zeldris opened his eyes before he looked up. The moon light was actually shining upon the both of them. Zeldris imagined he'd float lighter if he jumped before he'd attempt at doing it. Zeldris jumped before he started to float slightly. He flailed his arms not knowing how to cancel the motion.

Renjiro: "That's good and all, but how would that help you in combat?"

Zeldris: "I don't know! This is crazy?! I'm flying!"

Zeldris flailed in the air briefly before an idea popped into his head. He stopped his spell before he landed onto the grass once again, he pressed his right hand onto the ground. Renjiro was confused briefly but he paid no mind to it. Zeldris used a little force into the ground. A wave was seen pushing forward making the grass move as cracks in the ground followed behind. Renjiro cut his eyes as he swiftly was ejected into the air and started floating.

Renjiro: "What the hell?!"

Zeldris tucked his hands into his pockets before saying nonchalantly.

Zeldris: "Cool."

Renjiro: "You did this?! Now you're getting it Kid! This is only the beginning. I'm not going easy on you anymore."

Zeldris sighed as he wiped blood from his mouth.

Zeldris: "You were going easy on me?.."

Tabitha stared from the window, she couldn't see what was going on..from her perspective they were just standing there. Tabitha did notice the wounds Zeldris had, she quickly rushed out to him.

Renjiro: "What's your goal, kid?!"

Zeldris closed his eyes..he started to remember all that had happened before hand. All the deaths, all the struggles..all the people he had by his side. Only one thing mattered to him and he would do anything to find out. Zeldris gritted his teeth as he looked up at Renjiro with a blunt expression.

Zeldris: "To find the sinner that took everything away..!"

Chapter End!

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