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Sufiyan Haider Ali P.O.V

"Let me go Sufiyan!"

"No! Let's stay like this a few minutes more"

I groaned when she punched me in my stomach. She gets feisty sometimes, but it's cute. She stood up while wrapping the duvet around her slim and sexy naked body. It's heaven to have the house for ourselves, no one can see or hear anything. I quickly stood up and went to the washroom after her. Well, showering with your wife isn't a crime.

"Here you go"

She said while giving me chai before sitting beside me. After the shower I got ready for work while Muskan made breakfast.

"Will you be alright alone at home?"

"Yes, don't worry"

She said while handing me a sandwich. I wanted to take today off from work, but it wasn't possible because of the new case. Muskan had a day off, since she had a 14 hour shift yesterday. After breakfast Muskan led me to the door while I looked at her.

"I will miss you"

She chuckled while I pulled her towards me by her waist. She put her hands on my chest and pecked my lips.

"How about... we have lunch together?"

"Sounds good, what time should I pick you up?"

"No, I'll come by the police station with handmade lunch"

"Sounds even better"

I said before smashing my lips on her. I will never get tired of kissing her.

"Now go or you'll be late"

She said after pulling away from the kiss. I pecked her forehead and left to work. I loved and married the right girl. Since we got married there hasn't been a day when I didn't feel her care or love. She's been taking care of me, my family, the house and her work, without complaining about it.

"Good morning sir!"


I walked into my cabin and saw a lot of files on my table. I started looking through everything before heading to the meeting.

"Sir, the body which we found yesterday, is killed in the same way which we found last month"

"Hm, did you find any clue beside the body?"

I looked at the pictures before looking up at my team member.

"Yes, we found this"


"The killer must be on drugs, and we found his finger prints, but it didn't match any of the names on our criminal list"

"Alright, are the results from the post-mortem here?"

"Not yet, our doctor is still checking the body"
"Alright, tell him I will visit him after lunch... Meeting dismissed"

I went back to my cabin while the others went to do their work. For once everything was going lightly, but this is police work, it never goes lightly.

"Sir, there's been an accident!"

"Alright, get the team ready!"

I got up and heard out to the police car before getting in along with officer Oliver. When we came to the place where the accident happened, I wasn't too shocked. I've seen worse.

"Talk to those who witnessed the accident"

Oliver nodded his head while I went to the scene. Doesn't look like an accident, this must have been planned.

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