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"Hello there Leo"

I picked him up while he snuggled into me. I walked into the living room and put my bag on the sofa before walking into the kitchen. I got myself a glass of orange juice and took my bag before going upstairs.

Mom and dad weren't home, they went to visit some family, while Nadim and Mariya were still at school. I went up to my room and decided to take a shower.

I was drying my hair when my phone started ringing, I looked at the caller id and frowned.


"Hello Miss. Assad, how are you?"

"I'm good... But Mr. Haider Ali, shouldn't you be in university at the moment?"

"I decided to ditch classes today"

"And where are you at the moment?"

"Waiting for my boys, they will pick me up and then we'll head out for some food"

"I think you should ditch your friends and go to classes instead"

"I think what I'm doing is fun... What is that sound?"

"I'm drying my hair"

There was silence for a while when I decided to break it. I should ask him, I want the best for him and if Aqsa was right then he will do it.


"You're saying my name. so this must be serious"

"If I asked you to do something for me, would you do it?"

"Of course, I'll do anything for you... Just say it"

I took a deep breath before speaking.

"I want you to take your life seriously. Don't get me wrong, you're an amazing guy, you're caring, funny, sweet, talkative, there are alot of qualities in you but..."

I sighed and sat down and looked at myself in the mirror before looking away.

"I know you can do anything in your life, I've seen the way you helped me with my assignments... You just need to take it more seriously. I want you to have a nice job, a job you would love to do. Something you enjoy"

I waited for an answer but got only silence.

"I know I'm asking for a lot, but it's not only about how you will end in the future. It's about your parents and your future partner"

Did I really just say that?

"I hope that you won't get angry at me after this... Just... Give it a thought"

"I'll... call you later.... My friends are here"

I sighed and ended the call. He won't listen to me. Why will he? What am I for him? We're just talking, we're just... friends.

"I'm home!"

I got up and went downstairs while putting the dupatta over my shoulder. I saw Nadim throwing his bag on the sofa and then jumped on it while putting his feet over the table.

"Nadim, what is this?"

He quickly put his feet down and stood up while looking at me.


"Go and fresh up... I'll make something to eat for you"

He nodded his head and went upstairs while I headed to the kitchen. Did he get angry at me? I said a lot and he didn't even say one thing, just that his friends were here, nothing else. After making sandwiches for Nadim, I put it on the kitchen counter before heading upstairs.

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