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Sufiyan Haider Ali P.O.V

"Are you sleeping?"

I looked at her while she tried to hold her eyes open.

"No... I'm not"

Just like that she fell asleep. I kept looking at her cute sleeping face. Muskan is a girl who is beautiful from inside and outside. I never got tired of her natural beauty. On all these functions, from mehendi to barat she looked absolutely beautiful. She wore very little makeup, but something you wouldn't even notice.

"Good night meri jaan"

I looked at her once more before ending the call. I looked at my room's ceiling while thinking about the talk we had one day ago.

"You're the first person I'm talking to about my... stepmother"

"I know, but don't think about it... She's not worth it... I know everyone around you who loves you can't be compared to a mothers love, but... she isn't just worth it"

She smiled while looking at me and nodded her head.

"Uh... Sorry about earlier... I shouldn't have...... jumped on you like that"

I chuckled and shook my head.

"It's alright... Shall we have some ice cream then?"

I didn't know about her stepmother and her relationship till I asked mom about it. When mom told me about it, I couldn't help but get angry at that woman. How could she treat Muskan like this? After what she is doing for her and her children, she should be thankful, but not all people are good on this earth.

"Sufiyan, why are you still awake?"

I sat up when I heard mom's voice. Looking at the door I saw her walking in with my clothes for tomorrow. She put my clothes on the chair neatly before sitting beside me on the bed.

"What's bothering my prince?"

I smiled and shook my head before laying my head on her lap. She started caressing my head softly and said.

"Sufiyan... You seem to be happier... and"

I looked at her and saw her smiling before she continued.

"And I'vc noticed that you aren't going out like you used to"

Now that she is talking about it, I've not been outside all these days. I didn't even think about going out. I've been so busy with talking to Muskan, that the thought about going out didn't even cross my mind.


I didn't even know what to say.

"I'm very happy that you've stopped going out so late... Allah heard my prayers"

I sat up properly while she held my hands.

"Look Sufiyan dear, your dad and I as your parents want the best for you. You're 20 now and you should think about your future. Life will always have up and downs, but just believe in Allah's plans"

My future plans?

I want to make Muskan happy for a lifetime.

Wait... what am I... thinking about...

"Sleep now, it's a long day tomorrow"

She went back while I layed on my bed. What is happening to me? Muskan and I are just friends, but the thought about making her happy, just... feels right. Maybe I just need sleep.

Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ