Chapter 19_The Sewer's_

Start from the beginning

In all seriousness, I was sent here to check on the 10 labyrinth guardians. Yes, Osamu could have just used {thought transmission} but I haven't met the guardians so he thinks... it would be a perfect time... In the middle of a battle... For me to introduce myself...
You just can't make this sh*t up.

Anyway, I've already visited floors 50 to 70. So there are just three more people to socialize with.

So I am currently heading toward floor 79.

I can teleport but because of all the soldiers and this level's specialty the bugs, I ended up missing my target by a whole kilometer... Not one of my proudest moments, but nothing I can do about it.

Tho' I wish I would miss it on a different level since I REALLY don't like this one!

Its floor is covered with 2 centimeters of water to provide the tunnel with a moist-like structure and the lights are very warm providing the necessary heat. And what does that make? A tunnel that is full of bugs... Kill me.

I walk through the tunnel my steps cruising the bugs beneath them making a crunching noise followed by a wet splat after I hit the puddle under the bugs.

The bugs are crawling on the walls and causing awful scraping noises. And since there are so many it isn't uncommon for a bug to fall from the ceiling and (depending on your luck) hit you.

And that lady and gentleman are why I have a two-meter thick barrier around my body (from now on) at all times.

After an eternity I finally make it to the "boss of this area" Apito. She is a nice lady and as long as you praise Osamu and her so-called "children" you get out without problems.

Next up is the fox Clayman had at the last meeting, you know the guy that is now six feet under respectably. I was told to leave the beetle for last so that's what I'll do.

From what Ciel told me she belongs to the 9-tailed Fox clan. I mean the clan is no more but she is here so I guess it isn't completely extinct.

Tho' she is now facing the toughest challenge yet. And that is fighting for the affection of her master Osamu. From what I've heard she even proclaimed herself Osamus's number one pet.

That does remind me of a certain doggy I know. And yes he might be an abyss dragon but he is still a cute little doggy in my eyes.

I can still remember how his existence started.


It was a simple experiment I made. Over the years Ciel gathers a lot of information about the dragon Veldora most specifically his {dragon factor/core}.

It is truly interesting, as long as the concept of the dragon exists he or she is immortal. So in the case of Veldora as long as there is the concept of the storm he will be able to reconstruct his body and soul endlessly.

That complete concept is the dragons {dragon factor/core}. It doesn't matter if it is deleted or stolen since that is only a spiritual/psychical manifestation of the concept that it is the storm/heat/cold and so on.

So that is what I tested, if a dragon is created after a {dragon factor/core} materializes and gets a concept then it is good to go.

So I made a convincing copy of what should be an empty {dragon core/factor} and threw it into the microwave(the Abyss) at the max settings and waited.

So after a long time maybe 3,14159 26535... Years of being near the absolute weirdness that is the abyss the core took on the concept that is the abyss. So as long as the subspace {abyss} exists Arox is just as immortal as the true dragon race.

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