Alternate Ending 02 : oops

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Part two. Thank you all so much for the love, I hope you enjoy. ❤️


After taking care of Quaritch's body, Jake and I took our daughters back to the rocks. Tuk comes with me on my Ikran, while Jake takes Kiri on his Tsurak.

"Lo'ak! Netayam! Look, it's your parents!" Tsireya shouts. Teyam and Lo'ak spin around and then fall back onto the rock with relief.

I land Tiri down and I help Tuk off, I hold her on my hip as I rush towards my family.

"Are you all still okay?" They all nod. "Good, that's good." My ears flick over to Jake and Kiri, who had just gotten off his Tsurak.

"Daddy!" Tuk jumps down and runs over to him, only to be scooped up and placed on his hip too. His fangs emerge from behind his lips when he smiles at our daughter.

A loud boom fills my ears and my head whips around to the boat.

With one last explosion, it sinks below the surface. As if it were never there.

I've had enough of this place, I want to go home.

"Come on guys, let's go home. Teyam can you stand?" I ask.

My son nods and I loop and arm around him, I help him limp over to Tiri and he secures himself on her saddle. I sit behind him to make sure he doesn't fall.

I know he won't fall, he's a great flyer, but my motherly instincts have to be sure.

"Tsireya, Lo'ak, I need you to take Spider on your Ilus back to the village. Lexi can't take any more passengers and neither can I." Jake instructs. Since he's already got Tuk on his Tsurak. "Be safe."

The three of them nod and they take off into the sea.

"Let's go home."

"Agreed." Jake groans.

The Metkayina celebrated that night with a giant feast, surprisingly, they allowed spider to stay with them as long as he was with someone at all times.

We knew we couldn't stay, but we didn't know we're else to go.

The next day...

"Chief Tonowari, Tsahik Ronal, we have come to apologise." Jake looks down as he speak. "My family and I will move on from here. You won't hear of us again, I'm greatly sorry for all the deaths we have caused."

"Nonsense, you have proven yourselves as one of us. You are Metkayina now." Tonowari waves his hand in the air, silencing us.

Ronal steps forward, looking at my stomach. "Besides, how on Pandora will you raise a child our there with no clan?" She grins. "It seems Eywa has blessed you with another."

"Oops." Jake bites his lip.

My mouth drops open and my eyes widen, I lock eyes with him. My eyes narrow and his face changes to an 'oh shit' expression as he senses he's about to get in trouble.

"And that's our queue to leave..." Tonowari announces and drags Ronal off somewhere.

Once they had left I turn to Jake, only to see he's ran off. I only just see his tail and dreads whipping around in the distance.

"Jake! You better get your ass back here! We agreed Tuk would be the last one!" I massage my temples with my fingers. "This man." I laugh and shake my head, placing a hand over my nonexistent baby bump.

My mind already imagines another little Jake and my heart swells.


Maybe just one more.

Eight and a half months later I gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Jake sat be my side the whole time, and like with every birth, he whispered praises and encouragements the whole time.

After many painful and tiring hours, Ronal gently laid the newest member of our family on my chest.

"Let's name him Bob." Jake jokes, his smile growing as he stares at our son.

"See? This is why you aren't allowed to name our kids." I raise an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay. How about Alke. It means courage."

"Alke... Alke. I like it." The small baby in my arms giggles and grabs at Jake's dreads.

"I think little Alke likes it too. Jake I think we have a winner."

"Alke it is!" Jakes large hands carefully scoop around Alkes head and body, he holds him up to his chest and almost immediately the baby falls asleep.

Oh he's definitely going to be a daddies boy.


"Mhmm?" He softly bounces Alke back and forth, not tearing his eyes away from him even for a second.

"I really fucking love you."

He looks up at me and smiles wide, not wanting to leave this moment.

"I really fucking love you too."

And just like that, we had found ourselves a new home and an extra family member. We were reef people now. We had loads of friends and people who would drop everything to protect us.

And I know now that we'll be okay.

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