CHAPTER 010 ; tsaheylu

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Once everyone has gone to sleep, I submit my log entry.

"I'm Alexis Augustine and the time is 23:56. The days are starting to blur together and... I hate to say it but I'm really not doing so good.
Max told me I only have about two weeks left.

Which fucking sucks.

I can feel my limbs growing slimmer and I don't feel as strong on my feet as I used to. It's getting worse.

I received the updated copy of my scans and you don't need a doctor like Max to tell you it's rapidly growing. We still don't know why but there is something about Pandoras climate that the tumour just loves." I try not to cry on camera.

"Anyway, teaching Jake the language is a pain. But we just keep telling him it's repetition. Neytiri and Norm both call Jake a skxawng. It means moron." I laugh sourly. I look down at my bony hand.

"I don't know when I'm going to tell Jake. I think I just won't. I don't want him to look at me like the others do. Like I'm some weak, fragile poor human." Because I am.

"My feet have gotten tougher, I can run father everyday. With Neytiri it's either learn fast or die." I think about the time she was teaching myself and Jake how to safely get to the ground using leaves.

I tried my best and I did it well, I just didn't stick the landing. And Jake? Well... he didn't stick anything.

"We talked Mo'at and Eytukan into letting Mum and Norm into the village. I don't want this to turn into a therapy session so I'll keep it short.

Jake and I have been getting closer every day. I've tried to stay away from him to avoid him getting hurt when I eventually...pass. But I couldn't. It's no longer the small glances and little touches. This sounds like third grade but we hold hands everywhere we go and he may or may not press tiny kisses to my face every time we wake up in the morning.

I'm used to being called 'Jakes mate' and he's also used to him being called 'Lexi's Mate.' It's funny really. I feel like they pulled a Cupid on us. I think I really like him. And I'm so sorry that I'm just gonna break his heart in the end."

I stare at my sunken in cheeks for a little too long and I get a huge migraine.

I quickly shut the camera off and I swallow down a painkiller.

It doesn't do much.

I try my best to ignore it and I make my way to my comfortable bed. The second my head hits the pillow I am out.

The next morning I link with my Avatar and I take Jake into the forest.

I watch as Jake pulls back the arrow in his bow. Tiri has left me to critique him since Mo'at needed her more. His stance is nearly perfect. He's almost ready.

I lift his muscular arm up a little bit higher and he needed to suck in his stomach more.

I trail my hands over his abs and he breathes deeply at my touch. He takes his eyes away from the target and he gives me the look.

That seductive, needy look. He's been giving it to me all week. It's normally accompanied by a smirk, but he's completely humourless. Serious.

His tail whips around and it somehow curls around my thigh, bringing me closer.

He lowers his bow and stares into the abyss of my yellow eyes. He moves some of my raven black hair off my shoulder and places his massive hand on the base of my neck.

The other one snakes around the back of my head.

I drag my fingertips up his chest and I press him up against the tree behind him.

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