CHAPTER 012 : eyes on me

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We soar around the Hallelujah mountains for a few more minutes.

"Hell yeah baby I got this!" Jake yells but soon regrets it as he has to swerve around a floating rock.

I laugh at his silly mistakes.

We meet back up with the other hunters and see that they all have their own Ikran now.

On the way back to hometree Jake makes his Ikran slap it's wing I to mine. I gape at him and do it back, harder.

Neytiri tells us off. "Children!" She sighs.

Me and Jake burst into laughter.

We fly over The Tree of Souls and Tiri signals that this is a sacred place.

"The Tree of Souls." Mum says dramatically. She points to some false colour images and gushes about the pure energy radiation off of it. "I would die to get samples." She says thoughtlessly. "Outsiders are strictly forbidden, you lucky swines." She looks at me and Jake.

I wouldn't call me lucky.

I take some more pain relief medication and I head to bed for the night.

I look down and see Lyd looking agitated. I look to Jake and he looks confused too.  Then, a huge shadow appears.

I look up and my eyes widen. Toruk.

"Dive!" I scream.

Lyd rushes to get us to safety. We fly through tree branches and we eventually loose him.

Jake and I land our Ikran on the side of a tree and just turn to look at each other.

We look at each others and break into laughter. I can't believe we just survived Toruk.

Our Ikran rub heads and sigh in relief.

Back at hometree I notice Neytiri telling Jake about Toruk. He runs his fingers along the skeletons teeth.

I look at the floor sadly.

The headaches have been getting worse. I e started to wear baggy clothes at the cabin, my arms and legs being noticeably slimmer.

My bones have become brittle and I can't be out of my Avatar for too long or I collapse onto the ground.

This body, this avatar, is the only thing keeping me alive. Medicine doesn't do anything anymore.

Everything is backwards now, like here is the real world, and back in my human body is the dream. No. Nightmare.

The Na'vi say that everyone is born twice. The second time is when you earn your place among the people forever. Neytiri paints a striped pattern on my body with white paint.

She does the same with Jake.

We enter the main meeting area and are told to stand in front of Eytukan. "You are now a son, and daughter, of the Omatitcaya. You are now part of the People." He placed a hand on each of our shoulders.

Neytiri puts her hands on my back and it spirals out from here. Everyone links up and I see Mum tearing up in front of me.

I have everything I have ever wanted now. I am part of the People, I have been reunited with my friends and I am in love with the person who understands me the most. And he's my mate too. I didn't think it before but when I die, I'll die happy. Surrounded by the people I love and care for.

Jake tugs on my tail as I lead him to the tree of voices. I slap his arm and giggle at his childishness.

"Come on." I urge. I grab his arm to pull him along but he pulls me back into him. "Come on."

I hold his hand and he follows me into the field of trees. I hold my arms out and let the purple and blue strands brush against me.

Jake copies me. I gather up three strands and I attach my Heylu to them. Closing my eyes I listen to the voices of the Peoples ancestors.

I walk over to Jake. "This is a place for prayers to be heard, and sometimes answered. We call these trees Utraya Mokri. The Tree of Voices. They house the voices of the Peoples ancestors." He attaches his Heylu to a few like I just did and his face relaxes.

I put my Heylu on the same strands to hear what he's listening to.

Children, dancing and giggling. I open my eyes and see his studying me.

I blush and remove my Heylu.

"Normally, now that you are Omatitcaya you may choose a mate, but, since your already mates to me I guess that means I get you all to myself." He laughs at me and I jump into his arms. He spins me around and puts me down.

I sway on my feet but he catches me.

"Woah, are you okay?" He grins. But the smile quickly vanishes and is replaced with a look of worry. "Hey, hey, Lexi! Eyes on me." He moves my face to the side.

"Something is wrong." I look at my hands. Their shaking. "Something is happening to me-"

This is the end. I think to myself, before everything goes black.

bound | jake sullyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora