CHAPTER 013 : catch my breath

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Jake's POV

I get a sense of Déjà vu when I shake her shoulders. "Don't do this to me again!"

What was she saying before? Something was wrong? With her? With her! She was meaning her human body.

I call out for my Ikran and within seconds he's at my aid.

I hoist her up onto Bob and I sit behind her. I struggle to fly with one hand and hold her at the same time but I have to try.

"Grace!" I yell once I get to home tree. She turns around and her yellow eyes blow wide when she sees Lexi. Neytiri, Mo'at and Eytukan all share concerned looks and they follow after grace.

"What happened?!" She helps me take Lex off Bob. I dismiss him and Grace cradles Lexi's head in her lap.

"I don't know, we were just wandering around through the Tree of Voices when her body just started shaking and then she just fell to the ground, unresponsive." My voice breaks. "I think something is wrong with her human body."

"No, no, it's happening. Why now it's too soon." Grace brings her hand up to her mouth.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with her-"

Tsu'tey and some other hunters come riding in with spears pointed at me. Now is not the time.

"The Sky People have come! They have destroyed the Tree of Voices! It's your fault! We stopped one truck but there were too many."  Tsu'tey yells as more people gather around.

Eytukan looks at me disappointingly. He shakes his head. He thinks for a second and says exactly what I fear.

"Tsu'tey will lead the war party!" He holds up his bow in victory.

Grace stands up. "Stop! Please! This will only make things worse." Tsu'tey glares at her. Mo'at and Neytiri take Lexi's body to the side. I stay in the middle watching Tsu'tey closely.

"You do not speak here!" He points at Grace. "We will strike them in the heart!" The other Na'vi cheer at that.

I stand in front of the crowd that has multiplied. "Tsu'tey, don't do this." I plead.he hands his bow to someone and takes long strides towards me threateningly.

"You!" He tries to punch me but I swerve. "What is the waning of this? Why do they come?!" He shouts.

"I don't know-" I lie. "But, brother please, don't attack the Dmh People, many Omatitcaya will die if you do." He runs at me and tries to stab me.

"Your not my brother!" I punch him in the nose and he falls to the ground.

"Am I am not your enemy!" I take my dagger out and throw it on the ground. "The enemy is out there and they are very powerful! I am Omatitcaya, I am one of you. I have the right to speak." I sigh. Knowing this won't go well. "I have something to tell you... all of you. The words are like stones in my heart."

Suddenly Grace falls down and Neytiri calls out her name. Oh no. Lexi's Avatar lies lifeless on the floor, just as her mothers.

"Okay... look, I was sent here to-"

I wake up and struggle for breath. "Are you out of your god damn mind?!" I shout at Quaritch, who is standing over my pod. I look over at Alexis's link pod and see that it's empty. "Where is she?!"

"You disobeyed direct orders." I see his fist fly towards my face. "You crossed a line."

Grace's POV

I'm suddenly ripped from my Avatar body. I force open my pod and look around at all the men with guns that are inside the cabin.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" My eyes travel to Lexi's empty pod. "Where's my daughter?!" Two men put orange hand cuffs on me and grab me by the arms.

I kick and make it hard for them. "What did you do?!" I scream at Quaritch, who was standing over Jakes unconscious body.

He grins at me. "Take her back to base." I feel a bag go over my head.

Next thing I know I'm standing in front of a table showing a video of some Na'vi blowing up a bulldozer. Quaritch pauses the video and zooms in to a Na'vi standing next to Tsu'tey that looks like Jake, buts it's not actually him.

"I'm disappointed in you kid. You think you can just go fooin' around with the Doc's daughter and then just completely forget what side your on?"

"That's not even me-" Jake tried to argue.

He smirks at me and I scowl in his face. "Pig."

"Yes I know he is."

"I wasn't talking about Jake." His face turns sour and he rests his hand on his gun.

"Oh what? Ranger Rick, you gonna shoot me?" I just want to see Lexi.

"I can do that."

"Where is my daughter?" I spit.

"We locked her in her room. Literally. Although, I'd have to say she wasn't looking too good." Quaritch chuckles.

"You son of a bitch!" Jake tries to throw a punch at him but a guard holds him back.

Alexis's POV

I'm lying on the cold floor of my bedroom. I pass in and out of consciousness I roll myself onto my stomach as I cough up more blood.

I turn on my watch and observe what's happening.

"No." There going to bomb Hometree. I have to do something. I struggle to get to my feet. I wobble on my feet, my fragile bones can't take the weight and I fall back down to the floor.

I think I'm just gonna close my eyes for a bit, I just need to catch my breath...

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