CHAPTER 019 : don't engage

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The sensation of Jakes fingers drawing shapes on my hips wakes me up.

"Hi." I smile with my teeth when I come face to face with him.

"Hi." He whispers.

"You linked already?" I ask.

"Bright and early, I couldn't let you wake up alone now, could I?" Protect this man.

Together we stand up and brush ourselves off from any remaining dirt.

I'm surprised I can even stand.

I take ahold of his hand and I go to guid him back to the Na'vi.

He pulls me back with an urgent look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"Whatifwerunawayrightnow." The words tumble out of his mouth.

"What?" He brings me closer.

"What if we just leave? Me and you. I can't loose you again." A tear slips from his eye. I wipe it away with my thumb and kiss his cheek.

"As much as I want to run away with you we can't. These people need our help. We can't just leave them."

"I know, I know. All I want to do is hide until it's all over. You make me a better man." I press a soft peck to his cat-like nose and sigh.

"I wish it could be as easy as running away." I begin to pull him along again. "Come on, we're meeting with the clans in a few minutes. Shits gonna hit the fan."

I fly on Lyd beside Jake and Toruk. The rest of the clans following behind us.

I have my bow and arrows slung across my back and Jake holds a machine gun in his hands. I bring my hand up to my neck and I click the comms button.

"Whatever happens, Jake, just know that I love you." I watch him look over to me from Toruk with a sad expression.

"I love you too, Alexis. I always will." I fight off the tears in my eyes and force myself to be strong. Also because I don't want the war paint on my face to run.

The beads in my hair clink together behind me in the wind. I give Jake one last loving look before facing forward once again.

We land our Ikran on the side of a floating rock and wait for the helicopters to arrive.

My blood turns to ice as I hear the faint turbines churning. "I have eyes on them." I say into the comms.

"I copy! Go now!" Jake replies. I let out a loud war cry and signal for the Ikran tribe to move into position.

I pull my head piece over my eyes and get ready to dive.

Jake tells Tsu'tey to back him up as he steers Toruk to the enemy.

I follow right behind them. Bow at the ready. I hiss at the planes and shoot arrows into the chests of the pilots. Jets got down left and right everywhere I go.

Jake and Toruk swing a larger helicopter into a peice of rock and it bursts into flames.

My man.

Just as I think we're winning all the planes break formation and start attacking us back.

Multiple Ikran and their riders fall from the sky.

I see the main jet and decide to go for it. I fly to the back side and jump of a worried Lyd.

I land in a roll and I start taking out all the humans.

I stab one through the chest with the end of my bow and shoot another through the eye. Blood drips to the floor. Another tries to slash at me and tackles me to the floor. He leans his head back to try and get away from me and I see the perfect opportunity to sink my teeth into his major artery.

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