CHAPTER 007 ; honey

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*kinda smutty (teasing)*

At breakfast mum was still silent and that was making people suspicious, I try to lighten up the mood by making jokes about what happened.

"The last thing I can remember is seeing a massive angry Thanator chasing after us!" I nudge Jakes shoulder. "It was terrifying!" I stuff some more toast into my mouth.

"It's not something you can teach." Jake says with a mouthful of food.

Everyone laughs, and Norm looks upset. I lean over to him and ask him if he's okay?

"I'm fine, jealousy isn't exactly my best colour, is it?" He jokes.

"Oh, Norm. When I link to my Avatar I'll put in a good word for you and Mum. Maybe they'll allow you guys in?" His eyes light up in hope.

"Really? That would be awesome. Thanks." I smile at him and sigh.

Looking around the room I see all the bright, smiling faces at Jake and I as we tell our little story.

I'm going to miss this.

I feel someone staring at my back and I turn to see Jake looking away quickly.

Blushing, I look down and finish my food.

"Let's run through them again." I hold a tablet in front of Jake, the picture is Neytiris mother, Mo'at.

"Mo'at, Dragon Lady." I flip to the next photo.

"Eytucan." "Eytukan. He's the clan leader. But Mo'at is the spiritual leader, like a shaman." I say. Jake lies down in the Link pod.

I quickly flip to the next photo, it's Tsu'tey.


"Close, Tsu'tey. He'll be the next clan leader." I correct him and then the last one is Neytiri.

"Neytiri, she was the one that found us. She only let us in because of you."

"She'll be the next Tsahik. They'll be a mated pair." I think sadly about Sylwanin, she was meant to be Tsu'tey's mate.

Jake pulls the cage over his body and gives me the thumbs up to initiate the link.

I lean over the pod. "Don't do anything unusually stupid." He grins and closes lid.

I quickly hop in my pod and join him.

I wake up in a strange place. I feel like my arms and legs are tied down. I feel warm, honey smelling, breath fan across my face.

I haven't opened my eyes yet but I already know my limbs are tangled in Jake's. This might be weird to say but I know what he smells like.

I hope Na'vi can't blush. I slowly open my eyes and come face to face with exactly who I expected.


"Hey." Is all he says. I look down at our entangled bodies and I notice I'm still wearing my cargo shorts and shirt.

I laugh when I see that Jake was made to wear the traditional cloth cover.

A faint purple blush dusts his cheeks at my reaction.

"Hi." Our faces are so close together. "May I ask why we're in the same bed?" His blush deepens. I like it.

He purposely mumbles so I can't hear him. "Don't mumble." He groans.

I like that too.

"They might... maybe, kind of think... we're... mates? Neytiri is fully convinced we are. I tried telling her we weren't I swear!" He whispers. My eye go wide.

"What?!" I shout. Jake covers my mouth with his hand.

"Shhh! Neytiri is right there." He points to the hammock next to ours. He slowly takes his hand away. "Also, don't laugh at what I'm wearing Neytiri said that you'll be changing when you woke up." Crap.

"I said not to do anything unusually stupid." I grumble, trying not to laugh. "I need to get out of here." I point to the hammock.

I open the top and I sit up. The hammock wobbles and Jake puts his hands on my hips to make sure I don't fall.

I fall anyway.

I land on top of his hard chest and we don't move for a moment. By breasts press up against his chest, the singular layer of my shirt is the only thing that separates us.

As you know bras weren't my thing.

I put my hands on his shoulders and push off so I can sit up again, only this time, I'm on top of him... straddling his waist.

I gulp. Blushing madly. What is even happening right now?

I wiggle to try and stand but Jakes hands dig into my hips firmly. "Don't move like that, please."

I look down and see that his lips are slightly parted and he's breathing heavily, eyebrows scrunched together.

What? Oh.

I'm glad to know that I have that effect on him.

Mum would be ashamed. Well, he's only two years older than me. Not including cryo time.

Stop. Why am I thinking about this. No. No. This couldn't work, I'd break his heart in the end, with me you know... dying. I cringe.

"Sorry Jakey." I snicker at the nickname.

I may or may not of slightly started softly grinding on him. Just a little. But just enough for another reaction. I hear a strange purring noise erupt from his throat.

His eyes snap open as he realises that I did it on purpose.

He flips us over and just stares at my face. "Tease."

He -very slowly- starts to lean in. But of course we get interrupted.

Neytiri hisses at us from her hammock. "Have some decency!" She easily gets up from her hammock and swings herself into the main branch.

I copy her actions exactly and smoothly hop into the wood in front of her. Completely leaving Jake hanging. I smirk.

I pull Tiri in for a sisterly hug.

"I missed you Tiri." I feel her laugh.

"I've missed you too, Lexi." She looks at my clothes and grabs my arm, leading me to a change room.

"No-" I whine. I hear Jake let out a hearty laugh. I stick the middle finger up at him.

"Have fun!" He shouts before we leave.

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