CHAPTER 001 : jake

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An irritating beeping sound erupts from my alarm clock. Groaning, I roll over and hit it until it shuts up.

"Get your ass up, Lexi! You've got work to do!" Grace, my mother, shouts from the kitchen of our little home.

Through the triple re-in-forced windows, I spot a pack of lemurs swinging through the forest trees from the other side of the fence.

"Five more minutes." I grumble into the pillow.

I hear her footsteps echo closer to my room. Then, I feel the sensation of ice cold water being dribbled into my head.

I scream and slide out of bed onto the floor.

"Come on, I have a meeting and you need to go and train your avatar." She points a pencil at me.

I look at the alarm clock that I was abusing earlier. 4:30am?!

"Mum." I whine, "It's so early." I stand up to make my way into the bathroom. She follows me. I grab my toothbrush, pile it up with toothpaste, rinse it with water, then I stuff it in to my mouth.

"You have to be out there early today because we have new avatar drivers arriving. Please make a good impression."

"Oh-ay." My toothpaste-filled mouth only allows a few syllables to escape, but she understands anyway.

She gives me a kiss on the forehead and exits our little house/thing.

After getting ready for the day I head to the main lab room.

"Hey, Max." I greet. He smiles at me.

"Good morning, Lex. Bay one is ready and available for you today."

"Great, would you mind linking me up?" We walk over to the Link Unit.

"Sure, I'll be right back."

Once I get comfortable inside the Link unit, I pull the metal cage over my body.

A few seconds later Max comes back and initiates the link. I give him a fist bump. "Thanks Max."

"No problem, Lex. See you in a minute." He smiles.

I salute him and I close the door of the pod.

My eyes drift shut and my mind clears like I have done hundreds of times before.

I breathe a deep breath of air into my lungs.

My sensitive ears snap and twitch at every sound. I sit upright in my bed, my tail curls around my thigh.

I let out a small yawn as I stretch out my blue body. Looking around the room I see the other avatars all starting to 'wake up'.

I walk into the change room and I put on a tight maroon singlet that says 'Stanford', it was my Mothers but I stole it.  And also green cargo shorts. I can't go walking around with no pants on.

But no bra of course. Free the boob.

A knock on the door startles me. "Oi! Lexi? Can I challenge you to a game of basketball?" Jamie, one of my friends calls out to me in a posh accent.

He's Australian and I mock his accent every day, he ran along with it and it eventually grew into a posh-British accent.

We play basketball every day. It's practically a religion.

"Be prepared to loose!" I open the door and I run out of the hut. "Race ya!" I get a massive head start and I sprint towards the basketball court.

"That's not fair!" I faintly hear him curse at me.

I get to the courts before him. About a minute later he arrives. All sweaty and panting. His ears pressed flat against his head.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Are you okay?" I laugh. He swats me away.

"You are so annoying." He breathes out. "You cheated!"

"C'mon, Jamie! You've gotta get used to the rules. Pandora rules." I put my hands on my hips and mock the Colonel's speech he gave us the first time we arrived on Pandora.

Jamie holds his stomach as he laughs, hard.

I quickly walk up to the main building and knock on the window.

I see Max on the other side. He looks at me confused but I make a ball motion with my hands.

He quickly understands and comes outside. The basketball looks ginormous in his hands. To a human it would be the size of a beach ball.

But for an avatar, it would be a normal, size six basketball.

"One oversized beach ball for you Miss Augustine." He heaves the ball up -pretty  ungracefully- and I catch it with ease.

"Thanks buddy." I wave as he disappears back behind the glass.

"Hey! Think fast!" I piff the ball at Jamie. He grabs it and dunks it into the ring. "Not bad."

"I'd like to see you do better." He smirks as he throws it back to me.

"Ohh, your not ready for it!" I dribble the ball past him and I shoot. He rebounds but I steal it back off him easily. "Come on, you ain't got no skills." I taunt. I shoot again and I score.

I hold my fist up in the air in victory. "I don't even have to play defence! Let's go another round—" I get cut off as I hear shouting from the main building. My ears and eyes snap to the shoutings direction.

"Breach! Breach!" I see an Avatar in a white patients gown stumble onto the court. I run up to him.

"Damn." He says, looking at me. His eyes wander to my Stanford shirt, then down to my bare legs.

Thank god the Na'vi don't have any body hair besides their head.

I grab his shoulders and shake him. "What's you name?" I ask, shaking my head. "You should be inside."

He ignores my second question. "Jake. Jake Sully." I shake his hand.

"Alexis, but you can call me Lexi. Now, why are you out here?" I look at his clothing again.

"Uhh-" Suddenly another avatar comes running through the same door. This one looks like a new born deer as he struggles to take a step.

"Jake! We're not supposed to be running!" The other Avatar shouts.

I turn to face this so called 'Jake' only to see he is no longer there.

"Shit." I chase after him.

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