"And this is the kitchen area so sometimes you'll either be in here or out in the rec area helping out being a caregiver to those who need it and other times they might just request you or a family would request you to work with their loved ones and when that happens that just means you're assigned to them for how ever long the family is willing to pay you or if their insurance covers it for them if they have no family coming in like that because sometimes that just happens." Her manager said as she had continued on giving Karen a tour of the facility.

"This is the break room where you can eat your lunch but since you're only here for a few hours for the trial run a break really isn't given on that so you kinda have to eat before you come in here because once you come in you can't really leave unless you have kids or an emergency. We just really want to see how well you work with our patients that's just a policy rule." She said.

"Other times for a lunch if we need something we just use that vending machine over there." She said pointing towards the one that was in the break room. "None of the patients are allowed in here because of policy rules." She told her. "This is also where we keep the general cleaning supplies if it's needed." She said walking towards a cabinet that was in the room and pointing towards the outside going to it showing Karen where everything is at. "Especially if a patient spills or have a little mess  that the CNA don't necessarily have to clean up it's all in this cabinet door right here." She said showing Karen what it looks like .

"So I already showed you how to clock in and how to clock out it's the same steps just a change of time. Any questions, any tips?" She had asked Karen and Karen had just shook her head no.

"Well alright then you can just go on out there and see what needs to be done ask if the patients need anything or if you see one of them struggling with something just to immediately help them or if any family members come in you can direct them to the front desk to sign in for visitation if they look like they're new because every now and then our patients would get family members who haven't seen them in a long that's being dropped off by their family members who did regularly visit them. But the new ones they just be a little lost coming in." She told her.

"And we always keep this door locked from the outside in just so no one can come in." She told her again talking about the back door that the employees use and Karen just nodded her head okay understanding everything.

"Alright now off you go." She said releasing Karen into the facility while she had went back into her office to do some more work.

While Karen was released she had walked into the rec area nervously looking around for something to do or someone to help. So she just walked around checking in with the patients asking them if they needed anything which they had liked for the CNAs and caregivers to do. But not all of them did that but the ones who did was the most favored by the patients so they were taking a liking to Karen.

It was near the end of the day when Karen's shift was finally coming to an end and she really haven't done much except for doing minimal tasks like picking stuff for the patients and talking to them while keeping them company if they felt lonely and so, Karen knew what that felt like.

But that one patient in particular who had talked to Karen before she had even started working there and had greeted her again this morning she had taken a liking to Karen and Karen would help her walk across the room since she wasn't exactly wheel chair bound but she did use a cane to help support her to walk. So, whenever she just needed an extra hand Karen was always there for her and her boss had noticed this just monitoring how everything was going with Karen since she was a new employee.

So, it wasn't like she was micro-managing her but she was keeping tabs on her every now and then checking in on everyone when they needed to be checked on especially when it would get busy during lunch time Karen would be helping to feed some of the patients if they really couldn't feed themselves and the manager would see how patient and helpful Karen was with them. But no one would've ever guessed that Karen had a rough night last night with her own family.

Family Secrets Part 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя