Growing Pains

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Notes: Karen starts to get better again meanwhile Nikki is going through it on her own.

After the therapy session was over, Karen was actually okay with going back out again to eat and to fellowship with her family. She haven't done this type of going out with them since the first few therapy sessions. So when Karen felt like going and actually came they were all shocked to see her walk through the door with Drew and the girls. But when they sat down Faith slid in first on the end and Karen got in the middle which made Nikki sit on the right side of her so, Drew had to go sit with the family since the girls were gonna fight over sitting next to their mother.

"Make room my seat gone." Drew joked coming over to his in-laws and they just chuckled at him because the girls were so serious about sitting next to their mother and with Faith taking Nikki's usual seat which made her take Drew's seat she wanted to yank Faith's hair because she kept teasing her about it.

"Faith stop." Karen told her daughter because even though Faith had calmed down with provoking her sister she was still a little sister who liked to mess with her. But it wasn't like she could get away with anything though because of her past history and how she had treated, Karen before in the past. But when her mother told her to stop she had immediately stopped.

Then, after everyone had gotten settled and ordered their food the conversation's were just beginning.

"So, Karen are you gonna have a baby shower for them?" Dorinda asked her seeing that her baby sister was now six months pregnant and their had absolutely been no discussions about whether or not if she was gonna have a baby shower. And in, Karen's mind she had already made it up that she wasn't going to have one just for the sake of it and for the fact that she didn't even know how to plan one because she didn't get to do that for her first two babies.

So, Karen just sat there and shyly shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know." Karen shyly said looking down at the table. "I mean it's fine I never had one before like I was supposed too. But that's only because we couldn't afford it and then I was just kicked out." Karen said talking about her father.

But then all of her sisters looked at all with concerned faces including their brother Leo.

"No we can't let that be." Jacky said shaking her head and Dorinda had agreed with her.

"What are y'all saying?" Karen asked them still not quite understanding how certain conversations or social cues worked because of how her programming was and now she had to learn a lot of things so her going out to eat with her family after her therapy session was a good thing. Because at this point it can now be said that Karen is socially awkward without her programming forcing her to think and to act a certain way.

"I mean I don't even know how to plan a baby shower." Karen told them not sure if she had even wanted to continue talking about this discussion since she felt a little out and resentful of not having one like her sisters had for their kids.

"Karen you deserve to have one." Twinkie told her speaking up as well as Denise. "Yeah I mean they're not that hard to plan." Denise had added on. "Sis you have help now we'll help you plan it." Dorinda said only saying that part because she knew how Karen was since she knew that Karen was gonna refuse the offer if they had brought it up so Dorinda had just kept that same part to herself.

But before they could say anything else their food came and Karen was glad about it because she was thinking that the food was gonna make them drop this whole conversation about her not wanting to have a baby shower for the twins but she was sadly mistaken.

"Now, we can help you plan this baby shower out." Dorinda said after she had a couple of bites of her food and Karen just sat there and started eating acting as if she was to busy too answer them at the moment even though she had gotten done chewing and part of her plate was already gone due to her pregnancy.

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