Jesus will work it out

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Notes: Karen tries to work on her future job aspects again without anyone knowing.

Side note: Thanks to KasiAka20 for giving me this job idea for Karen! Because I was about take Karen throughhh it!!!  ♥️

It was later on during the day when Karen was still searching and thinking about what she could do for a living since singing was out of the question. Even though she had no doubt in her mind that her mother was preparing her to sing for church and that's all she had told herself that she was going to sing for. Karen didn't do well in venues after her father had forced her to sing in the night clubs for a living and with Karen trying to have as a sex phone operator she knew that being a stripper in a nightclub wasn't going to cut it. She might as well went back to being a sex slave if those were the only jobs that she knew would take her. But they were only taking her at a price and she didn't need to get sucked back into that life again after being out of it for a couple of months because if anything the last thing she had wanted to be was her own secret pimp which she was for awhile not realizing how harmful that was to her and her marriage.

But Drew wasn't mad at her because he knew that at that time in place Karen didn't understand what marriage was and she was still programmed. So she was functioning off of that deep into her survival mode.

But while Karen was looking for jobs she decided to try too search for the jobs that didn't really require a whole lot of licensing or little to no certifications because she didn't have a lot to her name and she was trying to get her GED and without her GED or her high school degree it was a whole lot harder to even find a job where someone would take a chance on her.

All she needed was a chance because she was tired of having her daughter look at her as a whore. She didn't know what Nikki thought about her now but she had hoped that it wasn't the same because they weren't spending as much time with each other since getting out of the hospital and Karen would literally have to force Nikki to spend time with her and Faith. But she had got the point that Nikki was uncomfortable and so she didn't press her as hard anymore and so she took this opportunity to look for a new job because it was getting tiring of being a stay at home mom and wife. Of course she loved all of her babies but she needed something different and she had wanted people to stop looking down on her just because she didn't have anything to her name.

Even her bank account that she has now in her name, Dorinda had opened that up for her when she had first came home. Literally the next day, Dorinda had started depositing money into Karen's bank account giving her a debit and a credit card to use. But she had to teach Karen how to use them because she had never handled anything like that before because Big J didn't allow them to keep money in any way, type or form. And when Karen had left home both from her mama's house and when she was kicked out of her father's apartment she was just too young to even have one.

Because if anything Matti was at that point where she was about to open up a bank account for Karen if she had stayed until after high school but Elbert had messed that up for her.

So now here Karen was trying to get her life together again.

"What am I good at?" Karen asked herself not knowing what she was really good at besides her body and singing having that little of confidence in her.

But not knowing what she was good at while she was looking through the newspaper for a job she sighed in frustration placing the paper down on the table that was in her and Drew's room.

But when she had did that a flyer had dropped out of it and Karen had picked it reading it and it was basically a pamphlet for caregivers and CNA's that was needed and Karen's eyes lit up at the fact that no licensing was really required to be a caregiver and that training would be taught on the job and it had paid $18/19hr depending on how many hours they would take up in their shift.

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