Cracked open

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Notes: Ms.Tee cracked Karen's programming wide open and Karen can function better than before but her healing process hurts even worse than the first time.

After, Dorinda had came back from the store she had handed Ms.Tee a bag of clothes for however long she was going to be here which of course depended on Karen's well-being.

So, while Dorinda had been gone to the store she was here with Karen just watching over and praying over her. A little while after Dorinda had came back and Ms.Tee had gotten ready for bed, Matti had came back into Karen's room after she was let in by Ms.Tee.

She came in with some anointing oil in her hand because some serious prayer was about to go down while Karen was sleeping.

"Have she cried again?" Matti asked Ms.Tee in a whispered voice with the oil in her hand.

"It's been on and off now. She haven't woken up yet for anything." Ms.Tee told her. So, when Ms.Tee had told her that Matti had nodded her head and had sat down next to her daughter in the bed knowing that Karen wouldn't feel it now that she was deep in her sleep.

So, here Matti was praying over her daughter after rubbing the anointing oil on her forehead.
Then, her hands went to Karen's pregnant belly and placed both hands on their telling Ms.Tee that she could join her.

"You're them babies grandma too now." Matti said officially accepting Ms.Tee as a family member even though they weren't blood related and Ms.Tee ain't know what to do. But she did. And now here they were praying over Karen's unborn twins knowing that she's had some trouble with them especially since they weren't moving by now like they were supposed and they knew that Karen had to be scared out of her mind.

After they got finished praying for Karen it seemed as if the atmosphere had gotten lighter and it almost seemed as if Karen had loosened up after being a bit tensed tonight because of the situation that she had to now face.

But they both knew that she was still asleep.

So, when that was done with Matti had went to her room and Ms.Tee had got in the bed a few inches away from Karen because she normally didn't do this kind of thing for anybody.

So, Karen was special to her as one could say.

The next morning came and Karen had slept well past 12pm. If anything it was now 4pm. She nearly slept the whole day away and no one had tried to wake her up especially not Ms.Tee.

"Dang mama is Karen still asleep?!" Dorinda asked her mother coming back home from the studio. "Yeah she's been asleep all day. I was hoping that at least she would be up instead of having to come out but it wasn't even that." Matti said. "Ms.Tee have been keeping her eyes on Karen throughout the day just in case if she did wake up and have a fit." Matti said.

"We prayed over her last night so, it's all in God's hands now." Matti said to one of her youngest Dorinda and Dorinda just nodded her head okay.

"But wait mama isn't that dangerous for the babies?!" Dorinda asked her concerned about them. But Matti had to re-assure her.

"Don't Karen need to eat?!" Dorinda worried her mother. "Karen will eat when she gets up." Matti told her. "Dr.Womack already told me and Ms.Tee that this would probably happen." Matti told her.

"Your sister being sexually assaulted multiple times have taken an emotional toll on her and it was like the programming was trying to help protect her in a sick and twisted way." Matti said.

"Because if Karen couldn't realize the reality of her situation of how bad it actually was then that was good for her in a way because she didn't have to face much then but now that it's been broken by Ms.Tee she's going through a lot." Matti said.

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