Are you alright?

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Notes: Karen takes her day off until she goes into choir rehearsal.

It was the next day and Karen finally had a day in from work and everyone who was in the Sheard's household now knew that Karen was finally working and she didn't have to keep it as a secret anymore when it came to her immediate family which she was glad about but she was also worried about it because she knew that Faith could run her mouth. But rest assured, Drew had told them both not to say anything outside of this family. It wasn't because Karen didn't trust them or anything it was just that she wasn't comfortable telling them yet and she still wanted to see if she was gonna stay there longer which she told herself that she would since she enjoyed it and it was minimal drama especially since she kept to herself.

It wasn't like when she would have to work for Big J and there was drama 24/7 either in the brothels, the street corners and even in the house which was insane because of how he had everything set up. But she kinda knew how the drama got started because the girls who was locked in the rooms away from everyone would be provoked by the girls who weren't locked up and was on the upper level of the house. Karen herself knew how it had felt being there so she never once provoked them on purpose if anything she tried to be nice to them until they had crossed her.

So, here Karen was back at home with the kids watching them while she was holding J.Drew who stayed attached to her hip while Ki was just fine being in the play pin playing with her toys.

But every so often, Karen still had to sit down because she still couldn't really walk because Drew couldn't spare her last nite they had went for a 3rd round and Karen had woke up late like she don't know what but she was just glad that the babies were still sleeping by the time she did wake up because by then it was almost lunch time.

Now, Karen had basically skilled breakfast going straight to lunch which the babies didn't mind either and J.Drew was normally greedy so he was gonna have his helpings from his mama's breast milk right along with Ki.

"Wheww Jesusss I still can't feel my legs." Karen kinda said to herself but not so loud to where Ace or N'ylani could've heard it because Ace be in everybody's business.

But luckily he was just minding his own after he had finished eating his lunch and he was now back to playing with his toys.

So, while Karen was resting on her legs she still had her GED classes to take and so she had that out right next to her working on that out in the open. She still had yet to tell the rest of the family about that because she had wanted to surprise them. She didn't want to tell them too prematurely on if she was working towards it because she didn't want to stop if something were to have happened with her courses or she had lost confidence in completing it because someone had used it against to try to make it seem like it was a bad thing to getting your GED when it's not.

Because if anything having a GED can still open doors it's just that life got in the way for her and it wasn't to say she was a poor or under-performing student either while she was in school.

Because as mentioned earlier she was the smartest one out of all her sisters and she was known to be the school's nerd and was the one who had the highest GPA and was basically destined to graduate as valedictorian. But all that changed when Greg had started paying her unwanted attention. Attention that he could've kept to himself and it had just completely turned her life upside down and it took a long time for her to get it back on the right track.

But she was doing it. Her life was coming back together slowly but surely.

She might not have been famous like the rest of her sisters were or had a college degree like they all did but now she at least had a decent paying job which kept her from going to her last resort which would've been stripping. But in her mind she was refusing to do that because she knew that stripping could leave her right back into the life that she just got out of a few years ago.

Family Secrets Part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon