I was You P2

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Notes: Karen and Nikki go to Dr.Womack's session alone to work somethings out.

Side note: This is a continuation of the last chapter. But this one really talks about the request that unidentifieduser3  asked for. ♥️

TRIGGER WARNING: Talks about bullying and sexual assault.

It was the next and Karen was preparing for Drew to take both her and Nikki to go see Dr.Womack. Now at first Karen didn't tell her daughter where they were going but she did say it would be just the two of them and afterwards they would have their little talks like they normally would. The reason for not telling Nikki that they were going today a little bit earlier than there usual set time frame was that Karen was worried about her. And she didn't want the matter to wait any longer especially since she was crying so hard that it made Karen cry.

So, now here they were inside of the car going to the clinic to have a talk with Dr.Womack being present because Karen knew that she couldn't do it by herself and that professional help needed to be involved in this type of situation.

Once Drew was there he had let them out of the car and waited to leave until they were inside of the building. Of course at first, Nikki was annoyed that she was here unannounced but Karen was hinting to her where they were going so they weren't that surprised.

But while they walking into together, Dr.Womack had received a phone call from Nikki's counselor who had received a few pieces of her art work from her art teacher and she was really concerned about Nikki because she was a good student and never caused any type of trouble.

And she just automatically assumed that her home life was doing okay because of her family background. But in most recent months she had learned that Nikki's real mother have come back home and it was an adjustment to be had and she watched the awards show and everything. So she didn't really think anything was going on until she started paying more attention to the patterns in Nikki's work and like a good art teacher would do she was concerned and so she passed them onto her counselor.

So, the counselor had called, Dr.Womack who was on file just for any health reasons concerning the students mental state for the ones that did go to her.

And she had notified, Dr.Womack about the art work that she had received.

"Oh she have?!" Dr.Womack asked, Nikki's art teacher sounding all shocked.

"I'm afraid so and I can only do so much without getting higher autorities involved and I don't want to send a wellness check on her or anything just yet so, I was hoping that you could actually talk to her because even though these art pieces are very good it's also very telling for a lack of a better word." Her counselor told her. "And I followed all of the HIPPA guidelines and everything and I don't want to have to take that extra step." Her counselor said to Dr.Womack and Dr.Womack just nodded her head over the phone agreeing with her

When they finally walked into together, Dr.Womack knew what needed to be done.

After they had gotten settled in and done the initial greeting and beginning now it was time to talk which made Karen super nervous.

"Do you feel like you could talk to me?" Karen asked her daughter after, Dr.Womack had done started her off and gave the floor to Karen and that was kinda a hard question to answer and so, Nikki just shrugged her shoulders.

"Sometimes." Nikki said not knowing how else to say it. It wasn't that she felt that she couldn't talk to her mother but she just felt like like she didn't want to worry her.

Family Secrets Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora