Already lookin' better?!

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Notes: Things are still looking better for Karen although she's worrying more about Kierra.

It's been a few weeks since Karen and Nikki last had their talk and everything was pretty much back to normal. Except for the fact that Faith had now been acting like she had at least some type of common sense and was more sensitive towards her sister while still remaining as respectful as she could possibly be towards her mother.

And anytime that Nikki had a problem or felt like she was in a mental health crisis not only did she get used to talking to Dr.Womack about it outside of their therapy sessions. But she also now went to her mother about it and Karen would just let Nikki either talk out what her situation was at hand or let her vent and then Karen would try to keep the situation from escalating if she could. But if not she too would also call, Dr.Womack which was a good thing because now it was like the family was all on one page.

But while things were going good with Nikki and Karen something was going on with Kierra while J.Drew was fightin' his mama on not taking his bottles because she had to go too work. Of course, she didn't want to stop breastfeeding completely since the babies weren't even five months yet. But she did have to get her baby to take the bottle so he wouldn't starve himself to death which he liked doing until he got his breastmilk.

Because on one occasion, J.Drew had all the baby strength he could muster up and just purposefully pushed his milk bottle away from him hittin' Karen in the head with it while she was at home from work trying to ween him off of it but J.Drew wasn't having it. He was making his mama fight for her life every time she brought that bottle close to him.

"J.Drew?!!" Karen said rubbing her head while holding him in her arms trying to get him to take the bottle.

"Now you gonna have to eat from this whether you like it or not." She firmly told him and as if he could understand her he rolled her eyes at her.

"Oooh. I'm tellin your daddy when he gets home." Karen told him watching their son squint his eyes at her.

"You not gonna keep knockin' me upside my head over no bottle, J.Drew. Now, do you hear me?!" Karen asked him again and he just looked away from her like he was minding his business.

"I see you must be done since you lookin away huh?!" Karen asked him but then that just started him up again trying to lift his own head up but failing to do so towards his mama.

"See look doing all that and needs mamas help." Karen said as she was holding him properly since he had wanted to be all fast while trying to move knowing he can't.

"Aight I'm let you win this time but the next time you gotta cooperate with me." Karen told him opening back up her shirt again so he could eat and he just showed a toothless smile and giggled knowing he got what he had wanted.

So, now here J.Drew was eating while Kierra was taking a nap. It was like as soon as Karen had started sleeping her babies was now on two different schedules. And so, far her job had been good and she did really enjoy going to work.

In fact she could even say that she loved it and it had felt so liberating to her that she was actually doing something that she loved on her own and no one she known about it. Well at least not yet because she knew that one day they were gonna find out about her working. But she had just wanted to keep it to herself.

But not only that since it had been a few weeks since she had started working she had got her ID work card which also served as the buildings key. So, she had started coming through the back like all the employers were supposed to do and she had liked that better than walking through the front sometimes just so it would give her a chance to kinda get herself together before working with her patients.

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