Give It To The Lord

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Notes: The family gets terrible news.

"KAREN KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN!" She heard Jacky tell her and Karen tried too. She really did but even then that was now too painful to do for her and so she just had to close them after awhile of screaming and hollering from her family.

"SHE'S HAVING A HEART ATTACK!" Karen had heard, Jacky holler out with nurses running over towards them and the family making space for them to get too Karen and then they had to put her on a stretcher as well after seeing Nikki being rolled in.

But by this point, Karen was already overtaken by the heart attack and the family had noticed just how weak Karen had looked when they finally had her on the stretcher while tending to her trying to keep her alive while she was having the heart attack.

So, not only was Nikki rolled to the back but Karen was rolled into the back right along with her.

Then when the family finally saw Dr.Womack come in with her husband they had asked her what happened because this was just too much for this family to bear as it felt like.

"What happened?!" Jacky asked her worried about her niece and now Karen who looked mighty sick when they had took her into the back. But that was now because of the stress and the heart attack.

Then, Dr.Womack had guided them to sit down while she had talked to them especially, Dorinda since she had basically taken care of Nikki her whole life and it was the whole thing with Nikki finding out that Dorinda wasn't really her mother but her auntie.

"My gawd." Jacky said scrunching up her face in disbelief because she can't believe that it actually happened. "You saw her jumping?!" Dorinda asked her with a tissue in her hand wiping her eyes because this was a lot for her to handle. She knew that their family had problems specifically, Karen's family. But she didn't know that things were that bad and that her baby sister was really going through it with her two girls.

Of course, Dr.Womack didn't tell them the confidential details about Nikki because of the laws and her being an adult and she could always have that information to be kept private. But she did tell them that things were going to be a little bit different from here on out because of the situation that happened.

"Fix it Jesus." Dorinda said shaking her head not knowing what else to do while wiping her tears with the napkin.

"Do you think that we can overcome this?" Dorinda asked her not being so sure since this family was being dragged through hell and back.

"Well to be honest with you I gotta say that this is only the tip of the ice berg." Dr.Womack told her and they all let a sigh.

"I mean there's somethings that still needs to be dealt with and we know that it haven't been dealt with because of what just happened but this is only one of those things that happened beforehand. Whatever it was that happened before those two were going at each other that was just a nerve that was hit." Dr.Womack told them.

"And the both of them cracked wide open causing Karen to have a heart attack." Dr.Womack said to them.

"So, I'll be taking a different approach with them and I'll most definitely be splitting the families up in therapy so things could be handled as such because even though that y'all are a family as a whole, separately when all of you go home to your loved ones things are still done differently." Dr.Womack told them and they all nodded their heads knowing that was true.

"So, that's what y'all can expect the next time that y'all will come back into therapy." She said and they just agreed not even making a fuss about it because they knew that they had needed all the help that they could get and if that meant splitting them up again then so be it.

Family Secrets Part 2Where stories live. Discover now