I'm Sorry P3

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Notes: Karen tells the girls about Greg while Nikki have something to share with her mother.

Later on that day, Drew had taken off from work deciding not to go back into the office. He had handed everything else over to the sectary since it was really mundane work that he had started to work on after a certain time of being there. But knowing how he had liked his work done he was very particular with it and didn't want to just hand it off right then so, he kept working on it until he had got that phone call. Now that he was home they were just waiting for Nikki to come back home from school and Faith to get done with her studio session.

When it was just the babies, Drew and Karen they were all watching a movie together while Drew held, Ki in his arms and J.Drew kept staring at his mama's face smiling at her.

While Ace and N'ylani was really the only two actually paying attention the movie because it was a kids movie. Then they had their snacks and blanket on the floor since, Ace had wanted to get down from the couch and Drew and Karen kept a clean place.

But before this movie-thon had happened, Drew did call, Dorinda to let her know what happened earlier just to give her a head's up on if she do see Greg snooping around her place. Because if anything Greg still felt like he had owned that house even though they had a divorce and knowing how he act he would try to intimate, Dorinda. But Dorinda wasn't afraid of nobody she was licensed to carry and always strapped.

So, if Greg had tried it with her then he was gonna get bullet to his kneecaps. She was gonna blow them right on out so, he couldn't step to her like he was crazy and she'll say it was self-defense because it was self-defense knowing how Greg is and what he be thinking about doing.

20 minutes later the door opened up with Nikki and Faith already arguing with each other.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know!" Faith said bypassing her sister and going up to kiss, Karen on the cheeks. "No, don't even do that!" Nikki said hollering at her little sister knowing what she was trying to do. She was trying to make herself look innocent in front of their mama after embarrassing her in front of everyone at school.

"I don't even know why you were there?!" Nikki said turning around to her little sister.

"I just wanted to see what you're school was like is that such a crime?!" Faith said being dramatic with it.

"YESSSSS I DON'T NEED THEM TO KNOW YOU'RE MY SISTER!" Nikki hollered at her while folding her arms and grunting. "UGHHHHHH. Why did you even have to show your face?!" Nikki asked her. "WOWWW That's nice of you to say!" Faith said acting as if she was hurt knowing what she did was wrong.

"Woahhhh. Wait a minute what's goin' on?!" Karen asked them having J.Drew in her arms and he was just lookin' at his sisters arguing with each other.

"This girl gonna come up to the school as soon as we get out and everybodyyy gonna go runnin' up to her knockin' me out the way!" Nikki started to say. "And then she goes..." Nikki said as she started to mock how her sister was sounding. "Big sis come on let's go to the studio to work on mY aLbUm." Nikki said as she finished mocking her sister.

"And then here comes some more people shoving me to the side again runnin' to get her autograph while I'm tryin' to go up to the car but people keep pushin' me down this girl sees that I'm on the ground messed up. Which is why my pants look like I played in sum mud today." Nikki said pointing to her pants legs and Karen saw how messed up they were gasping seeing how bad that looked.

"And thennnnn not only that she looks down sees me struggling to get up but this GIRLLLL DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHINGGG to help me up and when I finally do get up I'm still gettin' shoved out the way like a rag doll and by the time I reach the car door the driver pulls off once the crowd starts dying down and not only that she had the doors locked too!" Nikki said and Karen had looked at Faith like what was wrong with her?

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