You Can't Be Serious

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Notes: Karen finds out why Nikki was doing what she was doing.

It was about ten minutes later when Nikki had finally went into the kitchen and she saw her mother leaning on the counter island with her head down.

"Ma?!" Nikki quietly said and Karen just let out a muffled scream that scared, Nikki and she backed up all the way up to the door again.

It was so loud that Drew heard the scream and had decided to go in there knowing that they were gonna need a mediator.

So, Nikki was quiet again while both Drew and Nikki had looked at Karen and Drew had slowly walked over to his wife knowing that she was mad as hell because he could feel nothing but the heat radiating from her body.

"Don't!" Karen said feeling her husband try to touch her back for comfort while Karen still had her face in her arms and Drew just stepped away from his wife.

"Ma." Nikki said again but this time a little bit louder. But she spoke to Karen like she had some common sense.

"Shut up!" Karen slowly but firmly said still not looking at her daughter trying to get herself together. And they had never seen Karen be this mad before.

Then, it was five minutes later when Karen finally picked her head up off the island and wiped her face since she was in fact crying.

They knew she was more hurt than mad because of how red her eyes were after crying. But right before Karen was about to say something to Nikki about what had happened, Faith had popped her head in through the kitchen doors.

And, everybody had turned to look at her knowing that Faith was gonna try some mess after she had got Ace and N'ylani to watch their baby show together to distract them for a little while.

"Whatever it is it better be important because I am NOT playin'." Karen strictly told her daughter because Faith's job right now was to watch, Ace and N'ylani. It wasn't to be nosy and have her smart comments in whatever her sister did because Karen was gonna smack the both of them upside their heads in any minute now for working her last nerve.

But then when Karen had said that Faith just did the smart thing for once and gently closed the kitchen door returning to her motherly and auntie duties seeing that Karen was gonna forego the whole entire talk and kill the both of them.

So, in this situation Faith had saved herself from getting into anymore trouble.

"Why, Nicole?!" Karen quietly yet sadly asked her daughter with having one hand on her hip while side eyeing her daughter since she was leaning to the side unable to look at Nikki because she was crying and would cry even more because now it really felt as if she failed as a mother.

Then, Nikki knew she had hurt her mother because the government name was brought out and Karen was trying her best not to keep on crying.

"Why would you do that?!" Karen questioned her daughter wanting an answer from her.

But then, everything Nikki had thought of to tell her mother had went out the window after seeing the hurt look on Karen's face.

"Oh." Karen said mocking her daughter shrugging her shoulders just like how Nikki had did to her. "You don't have a reason for why you brought that PIMP up in my house?!" Karen had questioned her daughter putting more emphasis on pimp.

"But mama he's not a pimp!" Nikki said defending the man not knowing what the hell she was talking about.

"Really, Nikki?!" Karen said trying not to holler at her daughter because she knew she had to calm down since she was still breast feeding her babies and she didn't need to be stressed out because that would stop the milk flow.

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