Stay Ready

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Notes: The family tries to help Karen to get ready for her court case with Greg.

The next week came and the family was back to making preparations for Karen's court case that was coming up and Faith was just busy being in the studio since her big sister had me decided to pay her back by using her credit card. It wasn't that she was over the limit it was just that it was a whole lot. But that taught Faith a lesson to keep her hands to herself and to not destroy peoples property especially if they're family because she was hating having to look at how much was in her bank account. She could've used that six figures for something else. But no that wasn't the case. Nikki had made sure she had used her sisters money for good use and at least she wasn't selfish with it like Faith had been. But that was literally her money that she had made and before she ain't even have no family to think about like she does now.

So, while Faith was at the studio working on her next album, Karen was at her sisters house going over the next court case.

"And how has Greg's misdoings affected your work life?!" Dorinda said asking her baby sister prepping her for the case trying to get Karen to be ready for whatever they may throw at her.

"I'm not qualified for any job that I could decently do?" Karen said nervously shrugging her shoulders and everybody just looked at her.

"Explain what you mean by that?" Dorinda said trying to act as the attorney since they were getting her ready to answer the hard questions.

"Umm the only jobs I could do was either prostitution or stripping but stripping never crossed my mind. But prostitution was the closest thing that I could think of that I could successfully do." Karen honestly told them and Leo took a big but silent gulp hearing that and so, Dorinda just nodded her head.

"What about your education you have six kids to feed and not one degree under your belt how are you even living?!" Dorinda asked her going onto the next question.

"My husband takes care of me." Karen said not telling them that she was working on getting her GED even though this was a practice run for court she didn't want to tell them just yet just en case on if she didn't end up getting it and that would've been another plan of hers that failed.

"So, you're a house wife?!" Dorinda said trying to act as if she's the attorney who's gonna have them little snide remarks to Karen while she's on the stand.

And, Karen just nervously nodded her head yeah.

"Look at you, you're already nervous." Dorinda said breaking character hating how Karen's self-esteem was getting lower throughout that whole mock trial.

And then, Karen just sighed.

"Well, Dorinda it's hard I'm just now learning how to be normal it's almost been a year since I even stopped working at a brothel. So, I don't know what you want me to do when it's still fresh in my mind." Karen said getting agitiated just shrugging her shoulders and huffing.

"I want you to not let these people see you look weak on the stand!" Dorinda said sounding kind of harsh.

"DORINDA!" Jacky yelled at her little sister and Matti popped her since she was sitting on the left hand side of Karen.

"Ouch!" Doe said rubbing her arm and looking at her mama. "Don't be too hard on your sister it's like she said she's still getting re-instated and she hasn't been free from being programmed for that long either." Matti said. "Karen's only been able to think for herself for about a good 3 or 4 months because of Ms.Tee. So, cut her some slack she's still getting used to everything." Matti told her. "I'm sorry but I'm not trying to be mean I don't know how else to say it but I don't want my baby sister going up on the stand and gettin' eaten alive by some monsters because they saw through her cracks." Dorinda told them and she still wasn't going to back down but she was gonna be a little nicer about it.

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