Part 19

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You started to wake up when you felt an arm around you. Assuming it was Sam you snuggled closer to get warmer since you always ran cold.

You laid there for a minute before realizing the arm that was around your waist wasn't a flesh arm.

It was a black and gold vibranium arm.

You fully woke up at this point, ready to bolt but before you could you had to know how deep you where in this mess. Careful of the arm rapped around you, you lifted the blanket to only be wearing a bra and undies.

You cursed under your breath, you where completely fucked, metaphorically and literally.

You glanced around the room that was decorated with dark and cool toned colours and you quickly spotted your burgundy dress. You let out a silent thanks to the gods. Only thing you had to do now was get the hell out of the mans you hated room.

Slowly you peeled his arm off of you and grabbed the pillow he gave you and placed it under his arm. Luckily he didn't wake up. Once you placed the pillow you slid out of bed and hurriedly grabbed your dress and slid in on.

Before making your exit you looked at the time and thanked your mental alarm clock for waking you up at six in the morning. Which you could easily ignore everyone.

You slipped out of his room and walked into the living room not seeing anybody in sight. You let out a breath of relief and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

You grabbed some bacon from the fridge and then everything to make crepes and eggs.

After around 1 hour of cooking and listening to music you where done. Not wanting to wake anyone up you cleaned the dishes.

"Uh Jarvis can you tell them I made food?"

You asked the ai not sure if it would listen to you.

"Of course miss y/l/n."

"Thank you and it's y/n."

"Ok y/n."

You smiled as you heard a few crashes and curses before the entire team showed up but Bucky. Sam came over to you and rapped you in a bear hug.

"You are a goddess, I will gladly get on my knees for you my queen."

You laughed at his remark and patted his back. Before going to grab a plate and filling it with bacon and crepes. You went to sit down when Steve started talking.

"Do you want some actually clothes?"

"I would love some clothes."

Steve smiled and you put down your plate on the island grabbing a piece of bacon on your way.

"Sammy watch my food."

Sam got into a salute position.

"Yes ma'am."

You shook your head and followed Steve into his room.

It was blues and beiges mostly, it had a calming feel to it. You checked out the room as he got you some clothes. After a minute or two he came back with a light blue shirt and some boxers.

He handed them to you and then nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry I couldn't find anything else."

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