Part 14

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Back to you
You put your hands on each side of the metal doors. You started pushing them apart.

They slowly opened to reveal a man you hated almost as much as the winter solider.


You sat in your cell which was small and had no window and a small rock hard cot. You heard through whispers that the winter soldier was gone which was bad for you. Well it was always bad but now that their golden boy was gone it was going to suck.

The person you hated most walked into your cell with a funny look almost like he was constapated and the laxative wasn't working. You almost laughed at your own thought.

He was a powerful man in hydra he was general assface.

His real name is Vladimir or you think it is you didn't really know you just called him assface cause he was an asshole and everything that came out of his mouth was bull shit. The shoe fit and the name stuck like gum on a shoe.

"We'll we'll looks like we're stuck with this little girl."

You scrunched your face in distaste of the man. You had enough and if the winter soldier could leave why the hell couldn't you.

Standing up you head butted the general and grabbed a knife. You stabbed the two guards in the neck. You grabbed a key card and looked at the dead guards and a passed out general. On a whim you made a murder strut over to the general and cut him from his eyebrow down to his eye most likely blinding him. Standing up you sprinted down the cold and bloody hydra hallways. You made it to the exit without trouble and left starting a new life.

End of flashback

You smiled at the general even if he couldn't see it you knew he could tell. His face never dropped a shot eating grin but you could feel that he was scared and wasn't alone he had two guards in the corner eyeing you up and down in fear.

Sam sat at a metal chair that was bolted to the ground. He was restrained at his arms with metal straps and his feet where chained as well. He was bloody and had a black eye forming on his left eye. He was wearing old clothes that where stained with blood and where ripped.

He was unconscious but still looked like he was in pain. Your heart squeezed for your friend and your blood was pumping. You where mad no that's not the right word you where furious that Sam had to go through this. You wanted to scream. But you knew better and never gave away any indicator that you cared.

"We'll we'll general looks like your stuck with a little girl."

Your voice was harsh you wanted him to remember the day you beat him and hydra like they where an ant and you where a boot ready to squish them you did squish them and you'd never stop until they were nothing.

The generals jaw clenched remembering the day you cut him and he lost his sight in his eye. He knew you where trouble.

"Your going to pay for what you did."

He told you striking a pose after words that you could only describe as one of those you would see in those cringy pan flips. You batted your eyelash's at him.

"What do I have to pay for general all my sins because I don't think we'd ever leave."

The general scoffed at you and tried to discretely signal his men to shoot. The guards wiped out their guns. You put your hands up pouting under your mask.

"Woah woah boys you should take me to dinner before you wipe that out."

You chuckled at your own joke it was funny well you where funny. Trauma does make the best jokesters. I mean your living proof.

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