Part 8

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"You think you can take down a hydra base with 2 hand guns a sniper and a few knifes?" Maria asked you with an amused tone.

"I've killed more people with less weapons than I have on me plus i can always grab off dead body's." You said shrugging, the two looked even more shocked if that was even possible.

"That's impressive y/l/n but we actually want you to survive and succeed at getting agent Wilson out of there." Fury told you in a stern voice going back to his "im going to kill this bitch" look.

You faked contemplated before answering. "I said I'll be fine fury." You told him in a stern voice folding your arms over your chest. Fury was about to speak when someone rushed in.

"The avengers are taking the quinjet for the rest of the way." You turned to look at a man with blonde hair that was bolding, he wore a authoritative expression but you could tell he was worried and hadn't been sleeping not to mention the circles under his eyes.

"Coul-" before fury could finish he did just as Maria did and pulled out a hand gun pointed right at your head. Rolling your eyes at the inconvenience you reluctantly put your hands up showing off more of your weapons. "Look man who ever you are I'm not here to fuck up anything you have planned I'm just here for my friend Sam Wilson or the falcon." You told the man keeping your face neutral as you spoke. You weren't going to flirt with the man he was married and was broadcasting it in his mind.

You never really understood the whole having powers. Cause all they did for you was make your life hell. You could hear everyone's thoughts and feel their emotions you were just exhausted and mad at the powers you never wanted that messed up your mind. You never knew if it was your thoughts or someone else's even if the monologue was in there voice it still had you wondering. Not to mention the other powers you obtained.

"Director fury who is this and why are they wearing hydras logo?" You snapped out of looking in his mind and saw that he now had his gun still out but lowered to not shoot you. "This is y/n y/l/n and she is ex hydra." Fury said moving closer to you putting his hand on your shoulder. His words stung, was that all they thought of you that you were ex hydra and not someone who was forced? A million thoughts ran through your mind.

"Fury! She wasn't with hydra by choice she was there asset like Barnes!" It was Maria who was raising her voice it warmed your heart that she cared enough about you to defend you especially since you only met like an hour earlier.

The man's mouth was hanging open in shock looking between you and fury questioning if it was true what Maria said.

You snorted trying to hold back a laugh fury snapped his head to glare daggers at you. "Not the time y/l/n." You smirked at him. "Come on fury look at his face." You gestured over to coulson who quickly went back to a blank face. "Y/l/n it's not the time for laughing you need to get on the avengers quinjet." You rolled your eyes walking out of the room. You made your way to the deck. You could feel someone's presence behind you.

You quickly turned around grabbing their neck with your hand slamming them into a wall. The force of you hitting them into the wall made the person groan. You quickly let them go once you realized it was Maria.

She fell to the ground rubbing her neck and breathing hard. You were horrified that you had hurt her and her gorgeous neck. You bent down quickly and started patting her back unsure what to do because when you choked someone they always ended up dead well other than a few times. One of those times was Sam.

You walked up the steps to your apartment humming to a song Sam just showed you. You had just got back from a run and where ready for a shower. When you grabbed your key for your apartment you realized that it was unlocked. You knew for a fact you had locked it since you checked six times out of paranoia. You grabbed the knife out of your shoe preparing to attack. You slowly opened your door only to have the knife knocked out of your hand. The person grabbed your wrist not hard but still a good amount of force. Your brain went into over drive and you thought quickly. You grabbed the hand and dug your nails into the hand. Your attacker let go. You took the advantage and went into your apartment more grabbing the person by the throat and slamming them to the ground in one swift move. You look at the person and saw sam. You let go backing away in horror that you had just hurt your closest friend.

You kept patting Maria's back til she started to stand. You stood up first lending her a hand pulling her up. You held her up partially hoping she wasn't hurt to bad by your actions. "Maria I'm so sorry." You told her honestly she looked at you and gave you a small smile. "Y/n it's fine plus it's not everyday that I get to be choked by someone so pretty." You let out a small laugh at Maria's joke. "We'll I'm honoured that I got the chance to choke someone as gorgeous and highly trained as you." You added a wink at the end gaining a laugh from Maria. "So Maria we're is this quinjet that coulson talks of." Maria looked at you shocked they hadn't told you his name. It seemed that you had realized your slip up. "That one." Maria said shaking off that you knew coulsons name. She pointed at a fancy plane. You smiled at Maria as you walked towards it. "Thanks Maria I hope to see your pretty face soon." You shouted back at the brunette. Maria blushed at your remark but shook her head walking back inside.

Solider bitchजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें