Like what you see?

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When you opened the door Sam let out a small gasp, you looked at him in confusion. "Where's your bed, cause I don't see a door for a bedroom."
I scratched the back of your neck awkwardly. "Uhh I don't have one I guess."

You stepped into your apartment further, Sam came in close behind you taking in the place that you lived. It was clean and organized with nothing personal just a duffle bag by blankets and a pillow laid out next to it. He assumed it was where you slept instead of a bed and he couldn't blame you when he came back beds felt like they where going to suffocate him. "Like what you see?" He snapped his hand to were you were standing in the kitchen with a playful grin.
"Maybe I do." You let out a small laugh before grabbing all the things the two of you needed to make Texas sheet cake.

Sam was walking around your small apartment taking everything in when he noticed the bathroom with glass all over the floor. "Sam I don't know about the rules in your house but take your god damn shoes off and don't worry I don't have a thing for feet."

Sam chuckled at your remark walking over to your door way taking off his shoes and placing them next to yours. "Say for an old woman you really are a hit." It was your turn to let out a small laugh at him before poking his ribs making him yelp. "Hey what was that for?" Sam questioned rubbing his ribs, you narrowed your eyes at the man next to you. "You called me old you dick." "Am I wrong?" You let out a dramatic gasp holding your chest with one hand. "How dare you sam!"

The rest of the day you had a blast making cake with Sam laughing and talking.

One month later

You and Sam had been friends for one month now, you had spent most days together cooking or just doing domestic activities. Like the time he insisted you cooked for him after a mission cause he said he'd break a wing trying to which you did make him some spaghetti. Or the one time when the two of you kissed, which both of you only did cause you were tipsy and some creep called John walker wouldn't take a fucking hint, you and Sam only stayed platonic after like two of you agreed. There was a time when you gave him the nickname Sammy and it stuck even tho Sam hates it. Also the time when Sam blew up your microwave trying to follow a YouTube hack for phones you did tell him not to. You can vividly remember the time he came home with a bullet wound on his shoulder, you stayed with him for a week in fear he'd somehow die of some weird disease also you thought he was to hurt for him to do everything himself plus it didn't bother you much Sam had become your closest friend your only friend. But one of the best times when he found out you had superpowers other than being a super soldier he also understood when you told him you didn't use them cause all they did was cause damage and death. Sam had become your person even if you'd never admit it to him.

You were on your morning run in Central Park only without Sam this time because he was on
One of his regular missions. When You felt your phone buss in your pocket you stopped and started to stretch when you grabbed your phone flipping it open.

The number was unknown but you had a feeling you had to answer it.

"Hi my name is director fury."
You froze in fear you didn't know how he got your number.
"How'd you get this number fury."
You asked, you were curious to how he had gotten it and why he was calling.
"Sam Wilson gave it to me and said only to call if it was an emergency." Your blood ran cold Sam was in trouble and you had to help him.

You hung up the phone sprinting back to your apartment making it there in record time. You threw the door open running over to where you had put your old suit and mask.

You felt the fabric between your fingers hating the memories it brought almost as much as the mask or more of a muzzle. As you put the suit on you heard your phone ring several times ignoring it you placed the mask on your hip were there was a holder for it. You then went to were you kept all your weapons. You grabbed a few throwing knifes two hand pistols and your basic black sniper. You were happy you never fixed your mirror cause wearing this suit made you want to jump off a very tall build maybe stark tower. You saved your 2 most important knifes for last the knifes the red room gave you when they finally gave you the name the reaper they wanted something close to the grim reaper cause they said you brought death to anyone that crossed paths with you. The knifes are black and made of obsidian the blades are curved making them look somewhat like a scythe.

Your phone rang again this time you picked it up

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Your phone rang again this time you picked it up.
"Could you pick me up?"
"I asked if you could pick me up are you hard of hearing or something?"
You heard a scoff from the man on the other side.
"I'm not and I think you know we can't trace your phone."
"Yeah yeah I'm not stupid pick me up in an alley right next to Thai and chill by Central Park in 15."
I cut him off hanging up the phone, it was still bright out so getting to the alley was hard.

You managed to get there without anyone noticing, you leaned on a wall without your mask ready. You turned your head when you heard someone clear their throat you looked the man up and down he was dressed in all black most likely armed and he had an eye patch. Without a word you got in his black suv, what a great way to get kidnapped, the man got in after you looking at the suit you were wearing.
"Why are dressed in combat gear and why is there a hydra symbol on it?"
"Used to be an asset."
His faces stayed neutral but you could tell he was shocked at your confession. Not bothering to ask more he started driving.

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