Part 21

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You went into your room and changed into a black sports bra and a matching pair of black leggings. Not having a gym bag you headed to the kitchen and smiled at Wanda who was eating cereal. She smiled right back at you with a goofy grin. As if she was reading your mind she used her powers and grabbed you a water bottle.

"Thanks but how'd you know?"

She laughs lightheartedly.

"Don't worry I'd didn't read your mind your just in work out gear so assumed."

"Wasn't worried."

You added as you left the kitchen which made Wanda light up. You smiled as you took the elevator down to the training room to be greeted with everyone doing some kind of exercise other the Loki,tony and Bruce. The science bros were in the lab and Loki was reading a book on a bench. Steve was running on a treadmill and you decided to join him. He turned his head and smiled at you. You smiled back and turned on the treadmill on a high setting. You put in your AirPods and put on your Spotify playlist.

After half an hour of running someone spoke to you. It was Bucky standing next to your treadmill in a tank top that did him wonders and shorts with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"What's up Jamie?"

His eye twitched at the name and he clenched his jaw as you kept running.

"I wanted to know if you where done."

You furrowed your brows at the super soldier.

"Why would that matter?"

He huffed and waved an arm around like you where meant to know what he wanted. You turned you head to Steve with a questioning look and he just shrugged and kept running. You turned your attention back to Bucky.

"Words Jamie, I don't feel like using my powers to read your mind."

Bucky tensed at the mention of powers that could read his mind. Everyone else in the gym seemed to stop what they where doing other than Sam. Loki even put his book down. You stopped your treadmill and looked at everybody.


"Nothing we just were not aware you had powers lady y/n."

Loki informed you.

"Oh well I do but I don't really use them."

With that everyone seemed to go back to normal and you just got of the treadmill to do weightlifting with thor. You finally realized what Bucky wanted when he got on the treadmill you where just on with a smug smile. You stuck your tongue back at him and he rolled his eyes and scoffed.

Later into the day tony announced there was another party and everyone groaned. You however was delighted. You spent the rest of the day getting ready and once you where done the party was in full swing.

Your heart jumped when you saw Bucky in a black suit. Shit you where in love with him. You widened your eyes in realization as Sam knocked your shoulder.

"What's up y/n?"

"I think I'm in love with James."

Sam spat out his drink as you turned your attention back to Bucky who was watching the two of you. When he saw his eyes he turned away with a blush. You where going to do it. You where going to apologize and tell him but right as you weee going to go over he kissed a blonde woman. You could hear your heart breaking.

As the night got later and later you kept drinking even if soon after the blonde had left. In your hundredth drink you didn't knottiest Bucky was now standing next to you.

"What's up with you?"

You turned your gaze over to him.

"Found out something really big."

"And what's that doll? Did Sam break up with with you."

You laughed dryly and Bucky was taken aback.

"No just realized I'm kinda in love with you."

You told him taking a sip of you drink. He turned his head to look at you with shock. Before he turned back into a frown.

"That's the alcohol talking."

He stated.

"Nope I have a high tolerance and tasha cut me of three hours ago so I'm sober as a baby."

"Is this some kind of sick joke?"

Your head snapped over to him.

"What no why would it be?"

"Look if this is a joke you are really fucked up."

"But it's not I'm whole heartedly in love with you James."

You said ducking your head and taking another sip. But you drink was soon snatched out of your hand by Bucky who was smelling it.

"Hey! You can't just take my drink!"

You snapped at him.

"Huh no alcohol." 

You snatched your drink back standing up. You placed it on the counter.

"You want me to prove I haven't been drinking?"


You cut his off by grabbing his suit with both hands and pulling him into a kiss. He freezes before kissing you back. The kiss deepens and his hands are on your hips again and you hiss at the contact. Bucky pulls away worried with kiss swollen lips and ruffled hair. You whined at the lack of contact.

"Your the one who bruised my hips."

He smiled before pulling you into anther passionate kiss.

"Ew get a damn room."

Both of you turned to Sam who was pretending to puke.

"Maybe we will."

You said with a grin which made Sam gag and walk away muttering under his breath.

"I'm in love with you too and that's why I've been so mad."

Bucky whispered and you cupped his face with your hands.

"I'm sorry Jamie."

He smiled and kissed you sweetly on the lips and pulled back grabbing your hand.

"It's ok doll."

After that you and Bucky in joyed the party never leaving each other's sides again.

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