Part 10

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"Brother have you seen my sword?" You recognized the voice as thors. 'Shit' was the best word you could think of well not quite it was the nicest word though. "No I have not but I'm missing daggers." You heard a silky voice that you recognized to be Loki. "Brother do you think there's a thief?" Thor questioned his brother. "That was mothers sword I swore not to lose it." You heard a crash, you peeked your head out to see that Loki had Thor pinned against a wall with a small black dagger pressed to his neck. You put your hand over your mouth to not laugh at the scene unfolding in front of you. "You lost mothers sword Thor we have to find it!" Loki hissed at Thor, Loki let go of Thor putting his knife away. "Come on Thor we're about to land and we have to help the bird." You heard Loki sigh out you did plan on keeping the things you borrowed but the sword you carried on your back seemingly had great value to them. You had mentally decided you where going to give them the sword back and maybe just maybe the daggers you had grow to love.

Exhausted from the day you decided to rest your eyes til it was time for you to jump. Sleep took you quickly but you were quickly dragged out of your dreamless sleep. "Y/l/n it's almost time."
Your eyes shot open and you reacted quickly grabbing your pistol and pointing it at who you thought was an attacker. You lowered your pistol when you saw fury who didn't even look fazed but what could you really expect from a man that was around many assassins on a daily basis. "Y/l/n it's time we're about to land and you need this." Fury handed you an earpiece that was black and small. You slipped it into your ear as you stood up.

You walked over to the exit door and opened it ready to jump out you turned to look at fury who wanted to ask you something. "Y/l/n what happens if they say your trigger words?" Fury asked you. You put on a soft smile. "Put a bullet between my eyes." It was all you said before putting your mask on and jumping leaving a dumbfounded director.

Your pov

I jumped out getting the rush of adrenaline as I got closer to the ground I braced for impact. I stuck the superhero landing ew. I stood up and cringed at knowing if Sam finds out I'm never living it down. I spotted the two guards standing by the gates entrance if I had to guess I'd say it's around 10 feet high with barbwire at the top. I'll give hydra extra points it was pretty intimidating. But I always love a challenge. I started jogging through the thick trees to a better viewpoint. It was a brisk jog to the hill I was glad none of the snow got in my boots.

I set down my sniper and got on my stomach. I positioned myself to look out of the scope. The corners of my mouth turned up I had gotten the perfect shot and I took it. One second both guards were standing and the next they landed dead in the snow making it a deep crimson.

I quickly got up and ran at full speed towards them. I was there quicker than I thought. I swiped the keycard off one of them I stood up and stared at their life less body's not feeling any remorse for them. They aren't special or good because they're only ever going to be hydra scum.

I swiped their keycard gaining access to the exterior of the base. I still had a lot of ground to cover that was filled with guards and shipping containers. I spotted a female guard first she was off to the side well hidden by a blue shipping container. I crept towards the container while keeping my eyes on the brunette guard. I waited for her to circle to where I was. I leaned against the container I was bored if I was being honest. I couldn't even understand how hydra didn't knottiest that their guards where dead. But then again they where ruthless and brutal so why would they care about some low level personnel.

Subconsciously I started whistling which caught the brunette guard's attention.

Second persons pov

The guard got her gun out as she slowly approached the noise. She was terrified because she knew that the guards weren't meant to make a noise so who was behind the whistling surely not a guard. She turned the corner to see the one thing she never expected.

The asset.

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