Part 17

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Once the laughter dies down Bruce stands up.

"I should go tell the team how you're doing."

You stand up once he's done talking.

"Mind if I come with you?"

You ask softly, bruce nods. You start walking out with him. At the door you turn around and give Sam finger guns making him laugh.

You turned to follow Bruce again picking up your pace to catch up.

"It's nice to finally meet you."

Bruce looks at you curiously.

"I've heard about you."

"From who?"

"Hydra had me watch you, I got you out of your lab when it exploded and I just kept tabs on you."

Bruce stopped and you stopped beside him.

"What did you all see?"

You noted that his emotions shifted from calm to nervous.

"I saw you try to kill yourself, I also saw when you first turned into the hulk."

Bruce's gaze shifted to the floor. You don't particularly like physical touch but you pulled him into a hug anyway. At first he was stiff but then he relaxed into your touch and rapped his arms around you too.

"I hope you don't feel that way anymore cause your a great guy with like 8 billion PhDs."

Bruce let out a small laugh.

"7 actually."

You laughed before pulling back. The two of you started to walk again in nice silence.

The two of you stopped in the hallway to see the avengers sitting at the meeting table. Looking serious and shit. Bruce silently walked up and sat next to tony. Tony being tony offered him some blueberries. Bruce nodded his head no, declining the snack.

Soon the avengers noticed your presence turning to look at you in the hall. You smiled at the group before walking forward.

"Sorry didn't mean to step on anyone's ego by stepping in."

Like you predicted they didn't really take your joke a few rolled their eyes while some broke into smiles that matched your own. You shifted your focus to fury who was standing at the head of the table.

"Told ya I could make it out."

Fury rolled his eye at you before crossing his arms over his chest. You grinned at him before looking at the avengers again.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm y/n y/l/n."

You paused.

"I think."

Steve was the first to stand up and rap you in a hug shocking all of his team mates.

"I thought you died."

His voice came out as a whisper. You finally fully rapped your arms around him.

"I couldn't leave your perfect American ass."

Steve laughed and pulled away from you. He was smiling.

"Still got a great left hook."

You grin at him.

"Somethings never change, I've heard you have really gone full goody too shoo, that's new."

Steve's ears tinted a pink in embarrassment.

"What did they tell you?"

"Hmm they told me a lot about you captain and I may or may not have told them your dirty little secrets."

You wiggled your finger at him before he slapped it away and shook his head at you.

"How many of my dirty little secrets cause I would like to know what I no longer gotta hide."

You pouted at Steve while the rest of the avengers  looked shocked to see Steve functioning in front of a lady let alone flirt.

"Let's just say not as many as I could spill."

You left it in the air as you sat down with Steve close behind sitting next to you and putting his hand on your arm pinching it lightly.

"Ah that hurt asshole."

You hissed at him rubbing your forearm.

"Sorry just got to check if your actually here or if I'm dreaming."

"As much as I'm flattered that I'm in your dreams your meant to pinch your self shit head."

You slapped him over the head making him laugh harder. Your scowl broke into laughter. The two of you where dying of laughter while the rest watched in confusion.

"Not to break the cute moment how to you know each other."

You looked at tony who was gesturing between the two of you.

"We meet in the forties through your father."

You both answered at the same time not giving to many details. Tony just nodded unsatisfied.

"So what caps dirty little secrets?"
Tony asked with a raised eyebrow. Steve looked at you pleading.

"What happened in the forties stays in the forties."

"Oh please tell me I'll pay you money to know."

"Not gonna happen stark junior."

Tony huffed before giving up for now.

"So Bruce how's Sam?"

Everyone's amused gaze shifted to Bruce waiting for him to answer fury's questions.

"He's doing good but may have to stay at the tower while he recovers."

"I can take care of him."

Everyone looked at you. Steve bursted out into laughter again.

"You taking care of someone."

He wheezed out the words. You hit his arm and rolled your eyes.

"Oh shut it ты ведьма."

The people that knew Russian cracked up. Steve looked around clueless.

"What, what she say?"

"She said 'you hag'"

You shot a glare at Bucky who told Steve what you said before standing up.

"I'm going to go see Sam."

You waved before walking back to Sam rooms where he was passed out.

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