Part 15

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you were still a good distance away when you asked sam something.

"who sent you on this mission alone sam?"

you looked at sam with a sympathetic look, you where going to punch the shit out of them.


he dragged your name out knowing you where going to do something stupid. you huffed and let go of him stepping away from him. stumbled before standing straight again holding his gun shot wound so he wouldn't bleed out.

"who was it sam!"

sam flinched at you raising your voice at him you felt sorry for yelling but your anger was out of control.

"Who was it Sam! Tony!? Fury!? Steve!?"

You saw his demeanour shift when you said Steve's name and you knew it was him. You turned away from Sam and pinched the bridge of your masked nose. You shook your head in disbelief and scoffed.

"Of course the golden boy can't even go on the mission himself."

Using the words golden boy brought up a memory of Steve.


It was before you moved across the country and moved in with sams grandparents. You lived with Howard the two of you where close. Soon Steve started to stay at the house the three of you where close.  

It wasn't unusual for it to rain outside especially in Brooklyn. You always loved the rain and the freedom it gave. You loved everything about the rain the smell,the sound, the feeling it gave you.

You noticed it was raining and smiled brightly it was late at night. You sprung out of your bed discarding the book you where reading. You practically threw open your door and raced down the stairs.

You passed the living room were Steve and Howard where. As you put on your shoes and bolted out the the front door. Howard knew what you where doing and shot out of his seat close behind your giggling figure.

Steve was clueless to why both of you ran into the rainy night but still desired to follow after with the camera Howard gave him saying if he was going to be a creep and record you then he should at least make the videos and photos good quality.

You and Howard where in the street smiling like idiots splashing around in the puddles. Steve stood under the shade of the house recorded the two of you content on watching the two of you.

You put your hand out to Howard and he grabbed on. The two of you pulled together and started dancing in the rain with no music. Steve admired it about the two of you, both of you acted like Howard wasn't famous and that you didn't grow up in the red room. The two of you acted like kids that didn't have a care in the world. It was something Steve envied and wished he could do.

He was just happy to be friends with the two of you. He didn't mind just watching the two of you dancing around it was peaceful. Soon the two of you pulled apart.

You smiled at Steve and put your hand out offering him to join you. Steve shook his head no because in truth he didn't know how to dance and didn't want to embarrass himself even if he knew neither of you would judge him.

"Oh come on Stevie put the camera down and dance with me."

You whined and tilted your head making your wet hair stick to your face. Steve smiled brightly at you as he leaned on a pillar still recording you and your antics.

"Yeah Steven dance with the pretty lady!"

Howard shouted at steve laughing. Blood rushed to Steve's cheek tinting them a light pink. You smiled at Steve and slapped Howard over the head.

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