Part 9

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You snuck into the avengers cockpit only to see captain America and the winter soldier having a hushed conversation. From what you gathered from Sam the two had been friends for many years. You snuck further in without either super soldier noticing. You made a quick dash into the weapon area.

Once you where in you took in your surroundings. There was a vent in the corner that you could squeeze into if needed. There was a row of slide out cubbies with their names plastered on one. You trailed your finger along the drawers stopping at one that read in bold letters.


You opened the drawer to not see any weapons only watches and ties. "Of course." You said in a harsh whisper. You always thought stark or Ironman was cocky and had so big of an ego that he probably thought he was god. Begrudgingly you grabbed a watch.

Once you had it on your wrist you realized that it wasn't just a watch but a hand blaster. You mentally thanked stark for not being as dumb as you thought. You closed the drawer gently not to make any noise. You walked over to the next persons drawer and read the name.


You opened the drawer and looked at what was inside. It consisted of a few grenades, guns and other explosives. You grabbed 2 hand grenades and a smoke bomb. You closed the drawer and carefully secured the bombs on yourself.

You looked around the room for the next person you were going to borrow from. Your eyes landed on the perfect one you smirked as you walked over to the drawer that could be either of the Asgardion brothers.

You opened the drawer and was delighted that you had guessed right and had opened the younger of the twos drawer. You stared at the prettiest daggers you had ever seen. You grabbed a few of them storing them with your normal daggers. Smiling at yourself you closed the Asgardions drawer.

You thought you had enough until you saw the other asgardions drawer. Plus Curiosity killed the cat and in this situation you where the cat. You opened blondies drawer and saw a sword. You ran your finger down the blade it was so sharp it draw a little blood. You smiled at the blood before licking it away. Once you finished you grabbed the swords handle. You picked it up inspecting the art of a sword it was covered in gold and white. You would've preferred if it was a little smaller so it's was easier to carry. You slid the sword into a holder on your back. You carefully closed the drawer and walked over to a crate.

You positioned yourself not to be seen and sat down.

You were lucky to have sat down when you did since the quinjet jerked before you where in the sky head towards Sam. Your hands made their way to the dog tags you wore on your neck. Ever since you got them back you picked up a habit of fiddling with them when you were nervous. Your mind went to one of the times you met the infamous winter soldier.

You where in your "room" as they called it but in your opinion it was more of a cell. You hated being in there with your mind which was useless since it couldn't remember any other name than asset or reaper. You hated it in hydra but you couldn't do anything else there than kill their guards and act like you weren't scared. You stopped screaming when it came to the chair it- you just kinda stopped screaming when they turned it on. You could tell it scared the ones watching it scared you that you stopped screaming since it felt like you where being ripped apart piece by piece. You where being ripped apart when put in the chair you where stripped of your memories and you wouldn't get them back.

Today was a normal day no food and some idiot coming in the cell without warning. "Asset get up you have training and a mission." You didn't move a muscle which agitated the guard even further. "ASSET I told you to do something so you do it!" The guard shouted at you getting a bit of his spit on you. You didn't move even after he shouted which made him even more mad his face was red as a tomato. His hand came at you trying to slap you but before it could make contact you grabbed his wrist with your hand. You snapped his wrist in one swift movement he screamed out in pain you didn't stop at breaking his wrist. You kept your hold on his wrist as you stood up he had a look of fear on his face as you stood up. "Please I'm sorry." He said pleading with you. You kneed him in the groan causing him to double over in pain. You kicked the back of his knees forcing him to kneel you pulled his arm behind him with enough force it snapped like a twig. "Please don't kill me I have a family!"  The guard said through tear hoping you'd take pity on him.

You didn't care though you never did he picked this path and now he had to deal with what ever you where going to do. "So did I." You told him coldly. You grabbed the pistol that rested on his hip with your free hand. You pointed it at his hand and tilted your head to look at him. "But I killed them just like I'm going to kill you." The man's jaw dropped when you said the final words. "Ple-." Before he could finish begging for his life you shot him in the back of his head.

You dropped the gun and looked at the open door to see him. And if you can't guess who he is it's the winter soldier with guards holding him by his arms. You shot them a grin and stepped out of your cell you stopped and cracked your neck. You almost tasted the fear that was dripping off them even the winter soldier who had a great poker face seemed scared. "Oh sorry I didn't see you there." You told the men standing in front of you the winter soldier raised a brow at you. "I would have made it more entertaining to watch maybe a bit more blood." You said casually gesturing at the dead man like you where talking to someone about paint colours. You could see the hair on the back of their necks stand up at your comment. You looked at the clock on the wall and realized you'd be late to training if you didn't go now. "I have to go toddles." You wiggled your fingers than turned and casually walked towards the training room whistling.

End of flashback

You snapped out of your memory hearing people talking only a few feet away from you.

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