Part 11

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The guard wanted to run as far away as she could from you. She had heard stories of you she heard that you were a ruthless killer that nobody could escape. The guards had been told never to engage you if you came back which scared the guards since they where told that the winter soldier could be seen engaged. How much of a sociopath would you have to be that they couldn't engage you.

"You know it's rude to stare." The guard jumped when you spoke. She didn't expect you to talk to her just kill her. She griped her gun tighter hoping her hands would stop shaking.

You weren't even looking at her and she was terrified. "Yo- your the reaper." She was stuttering and you where picking up on the fear that was radiating off her. You let out a throaty laugh. "Yeah I am." You finally looked at her and noticed that she look terrified of you. You tilt your head ever so slightly. "Why does that scare you?" You asked the guard. "N-no." The guard defended herself with a squeaky voice you chuckled at her stuttering. You pushed off the building causing the guard to take a step back from you. "D-don't move any closer!" She pointed her gun at you putting her finger on the trigger. You kept walking closer.

"What are you going to do shot me?" You asked in an innocent manner. "I-i will!" The guard yelled at you, none of this seemed to frighten you. 

"Then do it."

Those three words sent shivers down the guards back. She was now realizing why they were never to engage you it was because you were a complete and total psycho.

"Come on shot me you coward!" You shouted, the guard flinched at you raising your voice. She lowered her gun knowing she wasn't allowed to kill you under any circumstances. You let out a laugh and shook your head. "Wrong move."

Before the guard could process what was happening you punched her across the face. Her head snapped the other way because of the force. While she was distracted you swept her feet causing her to fall face first in the cold hard snow.

The guards pov
I was in the snow it was cold and my jaw hurt when it punched me. Before I could even think it grabbed my hair and brought me to my knees. How could nobody notice what the asset was doing to me. It let go of my hair but before I could make my attack I heard the unmistakable sound of a gun clicking. Before I knew it the barrel was pushed hard against my head.

"You should've shot me." It was all it said before I heard a gunshot. I flinched think this was the end but it wasn't cause I heard it start to laugh. "You really thought I'm that stupid to make noise  it was a blank you idiot." It was crazy. I felt it's body against mine and before I knew it there was a sharp pain in my neck. I could feel the hot liquid coming out. It bent its face close to my ear and whispered. "Send me a postcard from hell." Then she dragged her knife across my neck. I franticly grabbed at my neck only soaking them in red hot blood It felt like I was drowning in blood.

Meanwhile with the avengers
The avengers landed safely and out of sight from the hydra base.

Everyone met in the middle of the quinjet where they have a table and chairs. "Before we save the man with birds for brains I have to ask you all something." Loki announced to the other avengers while Thor stood with him. "Go ahead reindeer games it's not like Sam might die." Loki rolled his eyes at tony. "I'll ignore the sarcasm and continue my idiot brother lost a very important sword and he needs it back." Natasha scoffed at Lokis accusation that they took their sword. "Loki nobody here took your sword and shield agents are to much of pussies to touch you or Thors things."

"Language nat." Clint said with a smug grin Natasha rolled her eyes and punch his arm. "Ow natty bear that hurt." Clint rubbed his arm for effect nat snorted and crossed her arms. "How bout you grow a pair Clint." Both of the deadly friends started laughing.

"Not the time agents." The group of colleagues straightened up and nat cleared her throat. "Director fury where were you?"

The avengers knew fury was on board but right before landing he wandered off somewhere and no one could find him. A few people out of the group noticed fury had came back more ridged and closed off than normal. Before fury could speak Friday alerted the group.

"Sir there is movement at the base."

Steve perked up at the news, him and Sam had got close due to their similar backgrounds. But Steve had noticed something changed with Sam over the month. He had become distant and distracted almost like he wanted to be away from everyone and to be at home. Steve had also noticed Sam being happier but he had no clue it was because of you. He thought it was because Sam was going out more lately. "Pull up the video feed please." Steve ordered the ai.

In a second they saw the front entrance guards on the ground both in a puddle of blood. The next thing they know there's a masked figure with hydra logos on their shoulders.

They watched you bend down and grab the key card and open the gates.

"Who the hell is that." It was tony who had asked the question seemingly losing all his sass. Tony got a mix of I don't know and I've never seen them before.

Except Bucky didn't answer because he wasn't sure. You looked familiar to him maybe the two of you crossed paths. The avengers all looked at Bucky for an answer. "Why are you all looking at me?" Bucky sunk into his chair hoping everyone would stop staring at him. "Because old man you haven't answered if you know who they are!" Pietro stated earning a slap in the back of his head from Wanda. "Don't call Bucky old." She hissed at Pietro. "I don't know if I know them."
Tony was about to make a comment but vision spoke.

"They're inside and a guards close." Everyone turned their attention back towards the live feed.
They watched the scene play out between you and the guard horrified by the end. "Holy shit she's crazy."

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