Part 12

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Back to you

You slowly stood up wiping your knife on your jet black uniform. The blood was joining many different peoples on you uniform. The uniform had always been clean but you could never get the image of blood all over it out of your head. You thought you where just going more crazy.

As you took out guard out after guard. The scene in front of you have you a sense of déjà vu.


It was meant to be a normal assessment but you should've know better when it came to hydra. The seemingly small base was swarming with hydra troops decked out in blue powered guns that took out many of your soldiers.

It was bloody and gruesome, you had around 3000 soldiers when you first arrived but now you where down to 1000 and dropping fast. You somehow ended up in the middle of the fight.which was weirdly not as bad. "Ahhh the infamous reaper."

Your heads snapped to look at the man with a heavy Germany accent. You plastered a cocky grin on your face, it wasn't everyday that someone knew who you where. "I prefer y/n but reaper works." You told the man bating your eyelashes. The man scoffed at you not knowing who he was.

"Do you not know how I am?" He asked in a manner like you should. "No should i?" You told the man rolling your eyes. The man's mouth went slack at the fact you being a general didn't know the super soldier of hydra. "You should reaper especially since your good friends with captain rogers and Howard stark." You crossed your arms at the cocky man. "I know a lot of people and I know for a fact I have no fucking clue who you are." The man glared at you in disgust like you where below him, he took a deep breath.

"It's Schmidt or better known as red skull."

When he introduced him self with a cocky smirk. it all made sense he was a dick,cocky and thought he was a god. You internally face Palmed that you didn't recognize the man in front of you. "Sorry man I've never heard of ya." You told the super soldier not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing you had in fact heard of him and his cruel ways.

His jaw went slack at the fact you had never heard of him. He was slightly embarrassed that he knew you and you didn't know him. He had thought since you had lived with Howard stark and captain rogers for a little bit  before you had moved across the country and started living with a solider and his wife you would have heard of him.

You pulled your gun out pointing it at the German. "Really sorry to step all over your power trip but I would really like to see my friends again." You told Schmidt right when you where about to pull the trigger he spoke. "Oh right you only have friends left after you killed your parents and sister." 

You felt nothing in that moment. You put your pistol down and grabbed your two signature weapons that rested under your boobs . You twirled one on each finger. He had made it personal bring up your family so in return you where going to make this kill personal. Maybe ripe his throat out,choke him,slit his throat or torture. It didn't matter to you as long as he got a long and miserable death and that his blood was on your hands.

You quickly came at him making is seem like you where going to punch him but in reality you kicked him in the gut. He didn't even seem to falter which made your blood boiling. He threw a punch at you but using his momentum against him you grabbed his fist and swung onto his shoulders. You repeatedly drove your elbows on his head. He tried to get you off by slamming into a wall. Before you could get hurt you grabbed his shoulders and flipped over to the front. He still crashed into the wall with a thud.

You looked at your surroundings, your eyes landed on a chain on the floor. You ran and grabbed it rapping it around your arms and fists. You heard the German laugh. "You really think you can out run your destiny to become the fist of hydra?" You glared at the man who had risen from the ground and was wiping down his trailered suit. You never let your face fall even if his message left you nervous about what he meant by the fist of hydra.

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