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I sit there , thinking about my life that what should I do .... Will I will be able to survive outside ... I kept remembering that day and kept blaming myself I shouldn't have gone to forest on that day maybe thing's would have turned out to be  different or I should have just died when I was born .

What should i tell Stacy ..... Should I tell her or not , about my run away plan .
She will be hurt if I don't , but it can put her in danger , after my disappearance mom dad will contact her for sure , to know if she know something. I know she won't tell them ..okay I will just just tell her that I'm running away she have a little idea about my home situation but I'm still not a adult yet but I can't just sit around and do nothing .

Okay than its decided I will run away tomorrow night ..

I was not able to sleep so I just kept pacing around my room planning everything for tomorrow.

(Next day )

Everything was just fine but , all I felt was fear from what I was about to do, I acted as I usually do not to make them suspicious... My routine was same as usual , I made breakfast and got ready for school .

When I entered the school hall way I saw Stacy running toward me excitingly and gaved me a hug.

"What's with that look on your face , are you not happy to see me " she asked while pouting .

I gaved her a reassuring smile and hugged her back .

"Aww , look who's asking for attention  " I said while laughing .

We both went to class to attend the lecture .

But I wasn't able to focus on it , my mind was not letting me concentrate .. What will happen to Stacy , she will be so sad it would be like I betrayed her for not telling her .

Stacy kept talking during the lecture to me , my heart felt so sad i didnt wanted to leave a good freind behind  , I didnt wanted to leave her she's the only good thing that happened to me ... My eyes where so close to crying , and my heart felt so heavy .

There's no use of crying Anastasia be brave ... You have to do it , you can't give up ...I kept telling Myself .

Soon it was time to go home I gaved Stacy a big hug for like 5 minutes before letting her go , she kept asking me if something was wrong cuz I was acting weird .
But I had no answer to that .

I went home straight to my room to  rest a little and searched for the train schedules.

It was know 10 pm I just had dinner with mom and dad , and sneaked some packed food and snacks so I won't at least die because of hunger during my journey.

After dinner there both starting watching TV ... And send me upstairs to sleep .

I waited until I saw no voice coming from downstairs I slowly walked downstairs to see if they're still awake or not while tiptoeing .

And yey they both were sleeping and TV was still own . I run back towards my room and started changing my cloths into a black oversized hood and black cargo pants and a mask to cover my face it was like I was going into a undercover mission .
I grabbed my bag pack that I have packed and a pocket knife cuz we don't know what can happen outside .

And the last thing I had to do was to message Stacy to say goodbye .

"I know you will be angry with me , but i had to do it for my sake and freedom  i hope you will understand  love you bitch "

After sending the message to her I turned off my phone and left it beside the table , so the police cant trace my phone .

And went downstairs trying my best to not to make any noise .
And walked to back door , all I was feeling was fear and horror that what will happen to me if they find me .

His Kitten!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora