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Soon after the car came to a stop , my mouth was opened from the shocked. Front of me was a big mansion the guards opened the gate and the car entered everything was so beautiful the garden the sculptures the whole mansion was giving royal vibes .

But the things that made me shudder from the fear was the guards that were fully armed and stood bowing there head .


I'm so scared I want to Go home , the door slammed open making me flinch , he grabbed my arm harshly  making me get out of the car and making me  stumble upon him his hard chest .

His strong arm grab my waist in a protective manner so I won't fall . I just looked blankly at his blue cold eyes , I felt so uncomfortable in his hold .
A "tsk"escaped from his lips and in a sec I was up in the sky , from the shock a yelp escaped from my lip . my mouth was wide opened what the fuck was happening I was up in his arm in bridal style .

"Put me down " I said while trying my best to get out of his hold , but he didnt even budge .
"I can walk by myself "but he was giving me no attention he didn't even looked at me and just kept walking inside . My hands were up too my chest no matter how scared Im that he may throw me down. I  didn't wanted to grab on him

My mind was a mess know where's he's taking me to a torture room ? Horrible things kept coming to my mind . am I going to Die.  but I don't want to die yet .
All the pent up tears and frustration , I wasn't able to control my emotions know , tears started to fall out of my eyes and i started crying I felt so weak and helpless ,my arms  were covering my face .I was scared for my life , and the things that were about to happen to me . I don't want to say goodbye to world .

my body was shaking from the fear I felt like a small shivering dear .it felt like I was his prey he's the predator . 

Finally he noticed my shivering form and guilt flashes through his eyes but soon returned back to normal .

he fasten his pace , and opened the door of a room , I didn't had the courage to look where he was taking me .

he placed me on a soft surface  , I opened my eyes to see I'm on a kingside bed the room is so big and elegant . I was so confused , that why I'm on a bed instead of a touture room.

he took off his jacket and throw it on the chair  and started to loosen up his shirt buttons , why he's talking off his clothes hah don't tell me ?. my thoughts were not even completed yet I decided to make a run toward the door , i was just 2 steps away from the door that his strong arm catch my waist in mid step making me turn toward him .

"plz im so sorry !don't do this to me , I promise I will be a good girl". I said while crying and  pleading .

he was confused for a sec than a smile appeared on his face ,he looks so cute while smiling . wtf is wrong , I mentally slapped myself for what I was thinking .

"Don't worry kitten I won't do anything to you not yet ! we will take things slow just for your sake , we will just sleep for know" . He said in a sinister way .

leaving me flabagasted and shocked . 

(Damion pov)

fuck she's so cute so perfect even when she cry she looks so cute she's like a drug for me .

the more she's scared the more I like it , her rosy lips makes me want to kiss her eveytime she opens her mouth .but I have to take things slow with her , she's already scared of me .I didn't wanted to slap her but when I got the news that she's ruining away I loosed my control, I felt so angry I wanted to punish her so badly that she won't be able to do that mistake ever again.

but when I saw her all my anger dissappered , she's in my hands and that's enough .

but she have to learn she have to accept me and this life , she tried to run away from me again ,I'm angry and want to teach her but know is not the time she already seems so tired from all the crying and its like she would faint anytime soon .

I carry her up and throw her on the bed , the expression on her face so funny all scared but still trying to act strong just like a small kitten .she start dragging her self backward until there's no space left and her back hit the bed board . 

I sit on the bed and grabbed her foot to pull her towards me making her scream for help.

I just lay while holding her down and hugging her with my strong arms , "what the fuck are you doing don't touch me , leave me she said while screaming ".

"shut the fuck up and sleep otherwise you won't like the concequences , I said in an angry tone making her freeze , and don't ever try to run again otherwise next time I will break legs !" I said  in a low tone .

there were tears in her eyes that she was trying her best to hold so they won't come out while her breath hatched . I just tighten the hug and started caressing her hair to relax her a little , and after long 30 minutes she was sleeping peacefully ,while hugging her self like a child .

So that's it for today , I hope its not boring and I will try my best to update more frequently.

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