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From the fear her small body trembled as her head starting to feel heavy and dark consumers her .

(Time skip)
She opened her eyes in a dark room , she tried to move but soon realization hit her that she's tied to a chair in a dark room .
All she could see was the darkness , her throat felt dry and she was all sweaty like she have woken up from a horror dream .

Anastasia have always felt intense fear from dark because of her childhood trauma .

Anastasia pov:
My eyes opened but all I could see was the darkness and the only source of light was the moon .
My vision was a little blurry ,all the memories flashes through my mind and fear took my body .
I was in the room where there was only a window and moon light was coming inside from it .
I looked around in fear , and my eyes landed upon a shadow in the corner I couldn't see who it was but all I see is a silloute of a man sitting on a chair legs crossed with a glass in his hand .

And I knew who it was , it's the devil , looking at his prey.
I tried to get my hands out of the rope , but no use as he saw my struggle to get away from him a low chuckled escapes from his lip.
Making me stop in my movement.

He got up and walks toward me slowly with the glass in his hand , as he was only two steps away from me I could sense the dangerous aura from him , and hardened features of his face .
He's angry very angry , oh god plz save me .
I didn't had the courage to look in his eyes and in a second he throw the glass on the floor in anger as the glass break break into  pieces ,slashing My right leg making a scream escape from my lips .
Even after hearing my scream there was still no emotion in his face expect for anger .
He bend down to take a look at my leg .

3rd person pov:
Poor Anastasia trembled in fear as the devil bended down to look at her leg .
He grabbed the glass that was on the floor and started to put pressure with glass on the wound where the blood was already pouring .
Anastasia screamed in pain and begged the devil to stop .
Ahhhhhh! (Pllzz stop I'm sorry plz I'm sorry ) Anastasia kept repeating these words as the devil kept slicing her leg .
He was feeling satisfied hearing her beg and scream .
Her leg was all covered in blood .
The devil got up and grabbed her face with full worse it was like her  jaw would break any moment , all she could do was to cry and scream and beg the devil for forgiveness .

Awww! "You are already asking for forgiveness but I have just started your punishment "he said in a dark tone .

"Should I break your leg ? Ummm yess I think I should cuz I told you not to run away , you're mine fucking mine to begin with is that to hard for you to understand ?"the devil said

Anastasia wasn't able to speak , because the devil was still holding her jaw painfully, all she could do was tremble in fear and pray for the best .

The devil walked toward a table and started finding something , his back was turned toward Anastasia it was dark so couldn't see what he was looking for .

As she kept crying and weeping the room was filled with Anastasia crying like a child and her uneven breathing as her face was all wet from tears and her cheeks turned red .

The devil turned around with a long stick like thing Anastasia couldn't understand what it was as but as the devil came forward , her soul left her body her skin turned pale and her crying stopped for a moment as she was too shocked to comprehend what was happening .
The devil had a steel bat in his hand , and Anastasia knew what was going to happen .
And in an instance the devil swing  the bat in full speed and a blow on  her right leg which was already bleeding because of cuts.

A painful scream escaped from anstasia lips and her head swing back in from the pain , it was like a car have crossed over her leg due to pain her vision started getting blurry and soon darkenss consumes her .

Because she wasn't able to handle the pain .

So this all for know! I know it's late but I have exams from next week .
I will try to update more frequently.

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