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Deva made unconscious Siva lie on his bed and covered her in sheets before taking off her jewellery ordering "Malli burn those ornaments" making Malli follow his orders.

"Was what Arundathi said.." Deva cut off SP "Go back to your rooms and rest. We've a lot of things to do. Prem call Raja Guru. Chandu make sure you've your hunting blade sharp" making everyone look at Deva before going back to their rooms.


Deva just sat on the bed holding Siva's hand since afternoon looking at her not even moving slightest of his muscles like a statue. Siva opened her eyes slowly and turned her head to see Deva looking at her making him ask "What do I do Sive? Can I really let you go forever?"

Siva teared up gulping "You found me everytime. Do you think you won't find me again?"

Deva moved forward and hugged her making her round her arms around him hugging him tightly "Sorry! I misunderstood you" making him shake his head and pulled back.

"Not your fault. Infact I should be the one apologising for all the times that I caused your death" Deva said.

"It's not your fault. Neither of this is your fault" Siva said holding his cheeks and kissed his forehead whispering "Stay with me" making him lie down beside her and pulled her into his arms.

"I don't want you to leave me again" Siva said making him kiss her hair.

"I'll meet you again" Deva promised making her raise her head and looked at his face.

"I can't live without you. I can't go through this life alone" Siva said as tears rolled down her temples.

Deva wiped her tears saying "I'll always be by your side no matter if I'm alive or de-" Siva pressed her lips shutting him up.

"Don't talk about death" Siva spoke making him smile and kissed her lips gently.

Siva pushed her fingers through his hair deepening the kiss making him pull back and looked into her eyes which were looking at his lips and then he was on his back with her on top kissing him as if her life depended on him which apparantly is.

He held her waist pulling her close devouring her lips as if she is his last meal making her part his shirt with buttons flying to the corners of the room while she pulled down the shirt down his hands making him hold her wrists and rolled her onto her back and pinned her wrists on either side of her head.

He pulled back from the kiss both of them breathing heavily looking at each other. He pressed his forehead to hers saying "Enough! Not anymore".

"I need you" Siva said making him tighten his grip on her wrists groaning.

"No! Not like this. This is like parting from each other. I won't let that happen. When we make love it'll not be in a hurry" Deva promised moving back and sat up on his knees taking her with him making her straddle him.

He pulled her impossibly close as he looked into her eyes whispering "When we make love it will be explosive, intimate and slow" caressing her lips.

She nipped at his thumb asking "What if I don't want it slow?"

He raised her eyebrow and bit her lip making her wince "I'll give you however you want it but I want you in it with me full cooperative and submissive" making her widen her eyes and smacked his shoulder making him laugh and hugged her.

"I like being dominated by you" Siva said kissing his ear lobe making him tighten his hold around her.

He kissed her neck promising "We'll marry after this and then we'll leave this place just you and me for a few years then we'll have kids then grandkids and we'll die at the same time" making her smile and snuggled into him more as he lied on his back with her on top of him closing his eyes hugging her tightly falling asleep.

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