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"Everything is set up. On the count of three" Arun informed making Siva nod and looked at the King who sat in the middle of the living room on his throne while she sat adjacent to him on the couch. At the count of three Arun turned the camera on and focused on Siva & the King.

"I'm really glad you accepted our call. Since most of your interests are already available on the internet I will not bother you with those questions. What I really want to know is the man who's not a King?"

Narsimha Raayala chuckled and answered "The same question led me to live like a normal civilian for six months".

"Well this is news. Can you share the story with us?" Siva asked.

"It was twenty nine years ago. I went to meet my friend Raja Surya Pratap Gupta in Coimbatore and after our routine talks we went to a musical where a carnatic musician show was held. That's where I met my Gayatri" The king smiled as if he's reliving the moment of seeing his wife again.

"Your wife? The late Queen?" Siva asked making the King nod once and continued
"Was it love at first sight then?"

"It was for me and I wanted to know her opinion too so I just confessed my feelings but she just looked at me up and down and said 'I am not intrested'" The King said making the crew widen their eyes.

"I like her already" Siva commented making the King chuckle.

"I told her I was King and what's not there to like? You know what she asked 'What are you without your riches,power and most of all what are you without your title as a king?'"The king said making everyone think a bit.

"She wanted to love you for yourself not the baggage your title brings along with you" Siva understood making the King smile.

"I was totally confused and strated questioning my interests so the next day I went to meet her family" The King said making Siva narrow her eyes.

"You wanted to propose her by using her family?" Siva asked.

"Not really. I rented a portion of her house as a paying guest and when she saw me she was baffled and asked me to get lost" The King said.

"That must've hurt your pride a lot" Siva said.

"No that's what made me want to love her more. She didn't want me to live in a middle class society and work hard all day in the sun and dust to earn my own money that's why she asked me to get out and challenged me that I won't last more than a week but I was stubborn and worked for her father's furniture store for six months. We fell in love, made lot of memories and when her father came to know what I did for just a simple question his daughter asked he was over moon and gave his daughter to me. One year of our marriage Deva was born and after two years of Deva there was Rudra we're blessed having them and fifteen years into our marriage she left us" the King ended his love story with a sad smile.

"But you never miss her" Siva stated making everyone look at her as she continued "To everyone she's gone but to you she's always with you. In your heart" making the King smile and nod at her great understanding skills as Arun turned the camera off.

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