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"Where is Pallavi?" Siva asked as Rudra came out of his room.

Not hearing any response from him Siva pushed his room door open and walked inside to see pale and unconscious Pallavi on his bed making her rush towards her friend and touched her forehead.

She pulled the sheets completely upto her chin and caressed her head before walking out closing the door and yelled "If you hurt her again, you better run for hills because I'll break your teeth next time".

"Listen Sivatmika don't involve in our lives. You better watch your tone when you talk to me or you'll face the consequences" Rudra warned.

"Watch your language brother. I treat Pallavi with utmost respect and I expect you to treat Siva the same way" Deva warned as he stood beside Siva.

"If she wants respect ask her to not to involve in our lives" Rudra said.

"Not involve? How can I not? Did you see her condition? What is with you brothers rubbing your love on us women? Do you know how we even feel?" Siva yelled looking between brothers.

"Sive! That's enough" Deva warned trying to hold her hand but Siva stepped aside glaring at Deva.

"Enough? It's not enough because you stay silent all these years and out of nowhere your so called love volcano erupts and just drown us now. And we are new to this did you even think of it? No why would you? Because you had enough and trying to take everything from us. So, before you ask me to stop, you both better revisit and revise what you did" Siva stated and walked away towards her room.

Once she's inside her room she slammed the door and walked towards the dresser throwing her earings onto it and sat down trying to control her anger when she felt a tap on the dresser.

You are okay.......

"No I'm not okay. Why can't he understand?" Siva said out loud.

Is it because of what Rajaguru said?

Siva nodded "I don't want to loose him. Ever".

If you fight with your will may be it is possible.....

"I can't live without him but if he has to stay alive I'll leave him forever" Siva promised herself.

Suddenly the door to her room opened making Siva control her emotions turning her face blank as Arundathi vanished while Deva closed the door behind him before walking towards her.

She wiped her make up and searched for a rubber band when Deva unlocked his mobile and put it on the dresser before clicking play and slow music started playing from the speakers making her narrow her eyes as he extended his hand.

She looked at his hand before placing her's in his and stood up making him pull her into his arms and started moving to the music "I apologise for my brother's behaviour".

"What about  yours then?" Siva asked making him turn her and pulled her to him holding her hips.

"I'm not sorry for my actions because I have every right on you just like you have every right on me" Deva whispered and kissed the shell of her ear making her breath hitch.

She moved her hands to his neck saying "Fine then promise me that you will never leave me" making Deva frown and turned her around.

"Well except for some rare situations like saving you or our family" Deva said.

"I want you to stay by my side until death do us apart and if I die first I want you to live on" Siva stated making him search her face before chuckling.

"Our relationship didn't even start and you are talking about death already" Deva said.

"Who said anything about relationship?" Siva rolled her eyes making him raise his eyebrow.

"Oh! What is this called then? All the times I kissed where you actively participated and currently hugging me and rubbing our bodies in the name of dance then?" Deva teased making her take a step back but was pulled into him immediately.

"If something ever happens to you,  which I will never let happen but if it does I'll follow you even in death" Deva vowed making her tear up and kissed him deeply rounding her arms around his neck making him lift her off of the ground bringing them face to face so he doesn't need to bend his neck to kiss her due to their height difference.

"If something ever happens to you,  which I will never let happen but if it does I'll follow you even in death" Deva vowed making her tear up and kissed him deeply rounding her arms around his neck making him lift her off of the ground bringing th...

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