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Everyone gathered at the jeep while Deva got into driver's seat making everyone look between Siva and Mahi making Deva order "What are you all waiting for? Get in".

Siva took her small backpack and sat in the middle seat with Gaurika and Pallavi sitting on either side of Siva while Arun, Prem and Rudra sat in the back seat leaving Mahi to take the passenger seat.

Deva started the jeep and zoomed towards the main gate while Gaurika and Pallavi looked between Siva and Deva who were in their own thoughts then looked at Prem who shrugged as if he doesn't know anything at all about his boss who's also his best friend.

Deva stopped at the main gate as security officer walked to driver side asking "Prince Deva! I'll arrange additional security, give me a few seconds" and was about to talk into his Bluetooth when Deva shook his head.

"There's no need we're just going to waterfalls and will return by tomorrow evening. Prem is tagging along" Deva said making the officer struggle with his thoughts but nodded signing the watchman to open the gates which made Deva zoom off of the palace road into the village.

Within an hour they reached the outskirts of the village and travelled another ten minutes into the forest before parking the jeep under a tree. Everyone got out and stretched their bodies before the men picked up the picnic baskets and backpacks.

"We've to climb five kilometres to reach the top of the hill" Pallavi said making Siva sigh looking at the top of the hill to see the water fall flowing down to the river and started following Prem silently.

"We should do this more often" Gaurika said making Siva roll her eyes.

"I would rather sleep at home and watch series" Siva said.

"That's the reason she's insisting to go on treks like this otherwise you'd become a lazy ass" Mahi scoffed.

"Huh? Ms.Mahima such unparliamentary language? How could you?" Siva put her palm on her mouth innocently shaking her head making others laugh.

By evening they reached the top of the hill and finally Siva shouted "Woooo" making everyone chuckle catching their breaths while a bag was thrown onto her making her glare at Deva.

"Start unpacking and setting up the tents" Deva ordered before walking towards the dense trees leaving everyone behind.

"You called me lazy ass. What about your so called cousin?" Siva scoffed and started unpacking the bags making the girls do the same thing while the guys set up the tents.

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