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Jay tried to find Jungwon after school because he needed to know about what Daejung said, if it were true or not. Otherwise he can't sleep tonight. Who cares if Jungwon would hurt him. He had to know. 

He neared the front entrance of the school and heard yelling. He perked up to the direction of the noises and saw a big commotion--three police cars and policemen yelling and running, students yelling and running, and-- was that blood spilt on the ground? Jay's eyes darted quickly to see the victim, a police officer, groaning and holding his head, his face and neck bloody. 

Then he saw a whir of what looked like -Jungwon?!- run into a school building. ...police was behind him. But it couldn't be Jungwon because Jungwon was wearing a black jacket today, and this fugitive was wearing grey. 

Jay cautiously walked closer to the commotion with the wounded officer but they told him to keep his distance. Other officers shooed away the students and put caution tape around the area, told the students to go home. An announcement made that after school activities or detention were all cancelled, "Just go home." And the buildings were locked off so the fleeing could not escape.

Jay wanted to stay around and find Jungwon but an officer yelled to him "Hey kid go home!" and shooed with his hand. 

Jay didn't like to get in trouble with those in authority so he quickly nodded and left. But it wasn't before he noticed that the officer was holding a black jacket. But so many students had black outer coats so it might not be Jungwon's...

The little pastel-color stars on the sleeves gave it away. It was his boyfriend's after all...

Jay hurried away from the school and into a nearby tree park. What did Jungwon do?!

He went deep into the park and walked over to a fence. That was what he knew, if he crossed the fence and followed the creek he would end up in the back of the school, he could see what was going on. 


The sound of gunshot froze him. Then he heard a scream he would never forget. It was as multiple voices vibrating, like demons. He quickly heaved himself to jump past the fence and ran over to the bushes behind the school. There were officers in the back. 

The sky quickly became dark like Jesus' crucifixion and thunder boomed loudly. BANG! More gunshots rang out. 

Jay crept onto the school property and avoided the police' sight. He crouched, leaned on a wall beside the recycling bins in the back.


There was a window broken on the other side of the building, Jay heard. It must be bloody. There were officers yelling, "Hey where'd he go?!" "You go to the front" "He disappeared?!"

Jay stayed in his position and hugged his knees. He wished he were safe at home right now but he loved Jungwon so much, he didn't want to leave him. He had already gone so far as to violate the rules-

Suddenly he heard a heavy raspy breathing on the other side of the recycle bin. Then a sniffle and crying. He peeked behind the bin to see who it was...yes, he knew it would be Jungwon. Jay's heart beat fast. Then it was, Jungwon started banging his head on the brick wall, his head bruising and bleeding. That was what Jay saw and he couldn't bear it. 

"Wonie-yah!" he said in a hushed tone and crept out of his place to go to Jungwon, who at the sight of him cried, "Hyung don't come here...please don't come near to me...!" It looked like he was crying blood, he looked a deadly sight, but jay didn't care. Jungwon was his love. 

"Baby..." Jay really didn't know what to say, he kept his distance six feet from his love. 

Jungwon cried and shivered and curled up against the wall. "Hyung...please go home..." 

Jay didn't move. "I don't want to leave you baby..." 

And as if he didn't approve of Jay's answer, Jungwon yelled in frustration, lunged forward, and slashed at Jay's face and down his neck. 

Then he stopped and panted again, gasped for breath- "Jay Hyung-!"

The scream alarmed officers who yelled and before they knew it had turned around the corner to see Jungwon and Jay on the grass. 

Maybe Jungwon was too tired or hurt to move, he just cried and curled up, covering his head. An officer pointed his gun ready to fire. 

No! Jay wrapped himself around Jungwon's small body in a tight hug. "Jungwonie-yah." he whispered in the younger's ear. 


Jay felt a searing pain in his upper back. "HEY YOU!" he heard the officer's deep voice. There heavy footsteps came closer and closer. 

"Jay-hyung!" Jungwon's voice was muffled but pitiful. "kiss me hyung- kiss me-- please...--!" 

He put his hands to Jay's face and held it. His voice trembled, "Jay-hyung- i'm s-sorry for hurting you...i'm sorry f-for everything...hyung i love y-you.. you don't d-deserve to suffer- please be happy when I'm g-gone-. Hyung I love you-!"

Jay stared back at him. "What do you m-"

Then he felt Jungwon was kissing his lips. It was soft and gentle, not rough but something simple. "Jay-hyung I love you..." 

Jay didn't feel anything around him but Jungwon's lips. The officers had disappeared in his world, the sky, the school and everything...it was just him and Jungwon, his love. A moment not to be forgotten. 

But those moments always end. 

Jungwon's hands twitched as he held Jay's face. He suddenly let go and frantically grabbed onto Jay's collar, yanking him forward. He gasped. "Yah hyung-! Promise me you'll live a better- a happier- life!" He smiled painfully at Jay who was too shocked to speak. 

Jungwon's smile slowly disappeared, his eyes slowly closed... 

Jay felt his shoulders grabbed and yanked off of Jungwon's and two officers grabbing his arms and restraining him while three other men attacked Jungwon...although there wasn't really any need to restrain Jungwon. 

Jay would think he were crazy if he had seen himself kick and scream, maybe even bite-

For how long would he regret he never said "I love you" back to Jungwon?

For how long would he regret Jungwon never got to hear him promise...

Baby I will live a better and happy life...

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