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"So how's school going?" Mrs. Yang asked her son after school one day. She usually was at work when Jungwon came home from school but today there were some inconveniences at work and she was let off early. 

"It's okay I guess," Jungwon answered half-heartedly. Truth was, today was even more painful than it had been the entire week. But Jungwon wasn't one to talk about his school life to his parents. So much of his thoughts was concealed. 

It had been 2 weeks since the Daejung-showing-the-pic incident, and still now so many people thought Jay and Jungwon were in love. It annoyed him so much so that whenever Jay would come to Jungwon, Jungwon would completely ignore the hyung. He really despised Jay-hyung, even after he saved him, but feelings were so vague to Jungwon that he couldn't do anything about it. Jay-hyung had still tried to talk with him after it, but the couple of days past he hadn't bothered with Jungwon, although Jungwon knew Jay was still paying attention to him. 

Today Jungwon had been in the school hallway getting his books, he was ready to leave and take the bus home when he heard laughing and clamor sound coming toward him, he heard some people running down the hallway so he turned around to see what was going on. 

Then before he knew it, someone's face collided head long into his that moment he turned around and at the same time the guy's knee (because he was still running)  pushed into Jungwon, causing Jungwon to lose his balance. Jungwon didn't know what was going on and he was just scared of getting trampled so he just lie on the ground and covered his head, closing his eyes. 

"Sorry--!" Jungwon heard a voice very close to his ear breathe quickly, afterall the guy was just running a few seconds ago. 

"Ah--Jungwon--?!" Jungwon opened his eyes. NO. NOT JAY-HYUNG!!! Bending over him like that, it was just Jay was using his arms to keep himself off of Jungwon. 

Jungwon savagely pushed Jay off and said "What are you doing?!" then he quickly glanced around because he was so scared the moment might be recorded on some mean person's camera. 

To his dismay there was Daejung standing a little ways off with his phone out and his smirk on his face. Jungwon was flaming mad. 

"Uh, um Jungwon! I'm sorry!" Jay stammered, he was really sincere looking. And as Jungwon glared at him, continued anxiously, "Yah are you hurt?"

"No!" Jungwon snapped and Jay was still nervous, he looked Jungwon from head to toe and saw that dust on his black pants from falling on the ground and quickly bent down and brushed some of the dust off, profusely apologising all the way. Jungwon was annoyed that Jay had the nerve to touch him. He quickly slapped Jay's hand away then pushed his shoulder and said, "Just stop, let me go home."

"Jungwon, I really am sorry, I–" Jay tried to make things right with Jungwon but Jungwon didn't share the same desire.

"What're you doing running in the hall anyways?!" Jungwon exploded. At this moment he was too angry to pay attention to Daejung, he was just so mad at Jay for this.

Jay couldn't think of something to answer, and by this time Jake came to the area. "Ah you're right Jungwon, we shouldn't be running in the hallway. Sorry for that." 

Jungwon could not calm himself down but he didn't want to blow up even worse in front of all these classmates. So he just turned away and left, and Jay was gonna follow him, But Jake knew it wasn't a good idea and held his friend back. 

Daejung snickered to himself as he finished the recording, he turned and left before Jay or Jake could see him and confront him. 

So that's what made Jungwon's day so rotten, but of course he won't say this to his mother. He never spoke to his family about any relationships outside of the family and they didn't ask.  They knew Jungwon needed his space. 

Besides, how much would his parents freak out if they realized there's this guy at school who kind of has a crush on him and wants him to know that?

"Well as long as your day is great honey," Mrs. Yang smiled. She kissed her hand and tapped jungwon's face with it and laughed, that made Jungwon sigh and give at least a little smile. He wished he didn't have to give his parents so much hardness to have the child who is cursed. 

Afterward he went up to his room to do homework. He got a text on his phone and checked it.

jungwon-ah i'm so sorry

Jungwon stared at it for a couple of seconds, then turned it off and put it on the table. Jay could apologize all he wanted, but Jungwon really didn't want anything to do with, even most right now. 

He decided he would continue silent treatment on Jay-hyung a.k.a. ignore Jay-hyung until he gave up on him. 

He pulled out his homework when his mom from downstairs called "Jungwon!" 

he went to the hallway and called back "What?" and she said there was someone at the door for him. Jungwon was confused and he asked "Who?"

"I don't know, I think he's your classmate. Well anyhow he wants to see you." 

Jungwon dragged himself to the door that was open then he stopped. "Jay-hyung?" he said in a unexcited tone. 

"Hi Jungwon..." Jay said and Mrs. Yang came to the door too because she wanted to know how the two knew each other. Jay saw her and bowed, "Hello Mrs. Yang, I'm Park Jay, I'm Jungwon's classmate." And of course Mrs. Yang thought he was a respectful child that's why she was happy and said, "Why hello, are you friends with my son?"

To what Jay fearfully glanced at Jungwon twice before saying, "Kind of, I guess. I just came to talk about some stuff at school." 

Mrs. Yang would never suspect that this Jay-hyung had any love interest in her son, or otherwise she would try to keep him away. But she was actually happy in her heart that Jungwon could interact with good people. "Of course! Will you step inside?" to which Jungwon immediately butted in, "Ah no mom we can talk on the porch." because the porch had 2 seats and a table and Jungwon did not want his mom to hear anything about what happened at school. 

"Oh of course," his mom beamed, she was so happy for Jungwon. "It's nice weather outside."

She served Jay drink or something like that to which he was polite "Thank you" then she went back inside and leave them be. 

"So what's this all about?" Jungwon glared into hyung's eyes. 

Death Kiss // JaywonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora