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So tonight Jay took Jungwon out late to an isolated place so that the sky would be black because there were a lot of meteors tonight. The sky was really clear and the stars shone brightly once the two adjusted their eyes to the darkness. Jungwon was amazed because it was so beautiful, he could see everything in the sky but barely saw Jay beside him, it was so dark.

"Wow Jay-hyung," he breathed and leaned on Jay, "how do you find all these pretty places?"

"Jungwonie, if I am finding something for you, then I can find anything." and he held Jungwon close and it was still and quiet.

Then Jay asked, "Jungwonie, why is it that I couldn't have you before, is there something big I don't know about?"

Jungwon lied, "Not really. I guess I just didn't think that...that I wanted something like this." And Jungwon was glad that Jay couldn't see his lying face right now.

"Okay, then when can I kiss you?" Jay asked.

Jungwon paused, then said "Never."

And Jay was confused and said more, "But don't we gotta kiss at the wedding?"

Jungwon was so embarrassed and he slapped Jay's arm. "Aish hyung don't talk like that!"

"Yah, it was a sincere question!" Jay laughed, "no but serious Wonie, why can't I kiss you?"

Jungwon thought for a moment. He thought about what the Curse might do if he told Jay about her. But he thought he might rather be tortured and live with Jay forever than end his life short and make them both sad. Jungwon took a deep breath and opened his mouth to tell Jay all the secrets he had been keeping from him, when Jay commented, "Oh wow Wonie, look at that star."

Jungwon looked up and saw a light blue streak of light that was brighter than all the other stars, but it wasn't going across the sky, it seemed to be falling downward to the earth, like the sky had just loosened her hold on it and let it drop.

"Wonie that light blue reminds me of you!" Jay said excitedly and hugged Jungwon tightly, "Whenever I see the stars I'll think of my star Jungwonie..."

"Yeah it's so pretty..." Jungwon said softly and leaned into Jay, but in his heart he could only think about how that beautiful streak would in a moment be nothing but a fallen star...


"Yeah, I'm hoping to get into Hongdae Central."

"Bro wow, isn't that like the best school around?"

Jakehoon and Jaywon were sitting at the lunch cafeteria; like all the seniors these days, Jake, Sunghoon, and Jay were discussing after highschool graduation topic, and Jake really wanted to get into Hongdae Central, because it was an elite school for those very extremely smart people (like Jake, he was a very good student!)

"Jake man, if there's anyone who can get into Hongdae it's you. Have you taken the submission test yet?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, but my results aren't out, I don't know when it will be. It makes me so nervous...well anyhow, you know where you're going Sunghoonie?" Jake turned and smiled at his boyfriend (everyone considers them as boyfriend except Hooon's parents who didn't know).

The thought of what school after graduation always made Sunghoon feel anxious because he knew that not only would he not be with Jake but he would be with Junhwan at a special skating school, Junhwan was one year older so he was already waiting for Sunghoon. He used to think whatever about it but now he liked Jake and it was not okay! Sunghoon knew that he should tell Jake the situation and Junhwan but the person Sunghoon was, he couldn't bring himself to...

"My parents want me to go to a skating school, so yeah, I guess that's where I'm going." He looked down and was suddenly very absorbed with his food.

His friends could tell something was wrong, and Jay asked "you don't want to go there?"

"No I don't," Sunghoon said quietly, and Jake who was sitting beside him patted him on the back. "Ah Hoonie...why not?"

"Because–" Sunghoon began. Because I won't be with you, I'll be with someone else I'm being forced to marry! "--because then I won't be with you," He leaned into Jake slightly.

"Awww..." that's what they all said, and Jake assured Sunghoon, "Don't worry, we can visit each other a lot—wait, is it around here?"

"Noooo–" Sunghoon sighed, "that's the problem. I think half the time I'll be travelling actually."

"Aw Sunghoonie, it will be okay, I bet travelling will be really fun, and also I'll call you or at least text you every single day!" he comforted.

"Thanks," Sunghoon gave a half smile but he felt rotten inside, he thought he didn't deserve this angel whom life had been so cruel to and perhaps he was also being cruel to Jake for hiding the truth. But telling him would mean to let go of him, and Sunghoon just couldn't let go of Jake...

Bringing up Jakehoon having to separate after graduation, Jungwon also remembered that his Jay would be graduating too. Jay sensed his boyfriend was sad so he held Jungwon's hand under the table to comfort him. Jungwon asked, "What about you, Jay-hyung?"

Jay didn't want to make Jungwon sadder, but since Jungwon asked, he thought he should tell him early on and answered hesitantly, "Well I think I'll study business in the States." he looked at Jungwon's reaction.

Jungwon just looked sad and said "Oh wow" quietly so Jay continued, "I will call you everyday too!" and Jungwon nodded, giving Jay a small smile.

"Yah let's talk about something lighter," Jake said, and they changed the topic.

They were talking about some other thing but Jungwon was thinking of what it would be like with Jay gone. It was only in reality a little while but he felt he had been with Jay for forever. But he thought it was probably good that they have a long distance relationship to reduce risk of Jay kissing him. Afterall he still had Ni-Ki and Sunoo.

Jungwon was in his thoughts when he heard close to his ear a scratchy voice say, "It's coming."

"What's coming?" Jungwon said aloud and looked at his friends to see who said this.

"Final exams, but not that soon." Sunghoon answered, "like I actually haven't started studying yet."

"Oh right," Jungwon said in a barely audible voice. He realised it had been the Curse speaking to him and he was scared of what she might mean in those words...

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