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School was opened up again after break. Mrs. Yang was rather nervious to let Jungwon to go back but she did anyway. The end of the school year and graduation was so close now, and it wouldn't hurt to let Jungwon just finish the year, would it?

Jungwon walked the hall of the school, half-hoping and half-not that he would bump into Jay before homeroom.

He didn't, but found jay seated at their desk with a couple minutes before school began. 

"Jungwonie!" he looked up, eyes sparkling. 

"Hi Jay-hyung," Jungwon responded and plopped into his seat. 

"How was your break?" Jay proceeded to ask. 

Jungwon turned his head and made eye contact with Jay. He felt a shudder as he stared at his boyfriend who suddenly grabbed Jungwon's wrists.

"What-" Jungwon yelped in surprise.

"Baby, your eyes-" Jay whispered, scared. 

"What happened?" Jungwon asked, genuinely confused. 

"They were red, like- like-, that night..."

Jay let go of Jungwon and sat up straight to face the front of the classroom as the bell rang for class to start.  Jungwon reluctantly did the same. 

It hurts when your boyfriend is scared of you...


Physics class came up and Jay hurried to the room. Jake was already at their table, looking over lab notes. 

"Hey man what's up?" Jay slapped him on the back. 

"ah nothing much, you?" Jake looked up and smiled like his usual self, but Jay's known him for too long. "Heya, what's wrong..."

Jake laughed insecurely, "What do you mean? Nothing important!"

Jay's smile dropped and sat down in the chair next to Jake, "Something happened?"

Forced laughter. "Ah yeah... but like, nothing big so-"

"Mind to share it?"

Jake's eyes were still on the notes but of course he wasn't paying attention to them. "I mean...Sunghoon and I, yeah, it's nothing much." 

"Oh." Jay leaned  back into the chair to put an arm around Jake and give his shoulder a stroke. "That's hard...i'm sorry about it." 

"Nah it's okay! Besides like, we're all graduating soon and we chose different ways to go...it's for the best. Yeah we already talked over it. It wasn't too bad- (i guess)-"

The two looked up at the doorway as a commotion was stirred there. It was just Daejung who liked to make a big show of himself wherever he went. 

"Hey hey hey, if it isn't the fOrEigNeRs," he snorted annoyingly. "And talking about some little tragedy, hm?" 

They both ignored him and looked at their notes. Daejung was upset he didn't get the attention and came over to give Jay a whack in the back of the neck. "Hey, what, did you break up?"


Then to disrupt conversation even more, someone else rushed over and squeaked loudly, "Jay-sunbae, are you all right?!"

Oh my all might. Not Raeyoungggg... Yeah, why wouldn't I be? he thought. 

"Hm? Oh hi, um, yes i'm very fine?" 

"Oh just I mean your arm, I remembered something happened, like at the party, with a different classmate-"

Jay forced a small laugh. "Ah that, it was nothing serious. but thanks for caring."

"Oh of course," Raeyoung cooed and made eyes at him who looked away before he could see them. 

"Woah Jay I thought you said you didn't break up with Wonie." Daejung said in mock surprise. 

"What, I didn't." Jay retorted. 

"Then who's this girlfriend here?" he smirked. 

"She's not my girlfriend, what's in your mind?!"

"That's what you said about Jungwon too, at first, now look at you two. You're just lying now, I'm not dumb." Daejung rolled his eyes and leaned on the table. The other classmates were obviously quiet, listening to the argument. 

Jay lowered his voice. "Look, I have Jungwon and just Jungwon, okay? Now go sit down."

Daejung looked like he would actually listen and sit down but suddenly came back with a "Oooh, Jay, so your poly?! I learn something new about you everyday!"

Thank God the teacher came in and started class. "Class turn to page 354 in this book (holding up the book). I'm sure you all read this section last night..."

Jay felt a paper brush against his arm and he looked to see what it was. Seriously? Daejung couldn't speak to him so he would pass notes? But jay took it anyways and read it underneath the book. 

Hey I heard something about Jungwon you don't know about. It's rather important. 

He thought Jay would buy that?! But Jay wrote back, What, tell me anyways. 

Daejung smirked to himself as he began to write. 

D: He's got a secret, he can't kiss anyone.



D: Yah, he didn't kiss you before did he?

J: None of your business but no we haven't. 

D: Yeah well that's because he CAN'T. He's not allowed to.

J: What are you talking about, if all you'll say is nonsense then let me listen to class.

D: Bro it's NOT NONSENSE. ISTG, it's so truth. Really you should watch out and don't kiss him. Something'll happen!

J: What will happen.

D: He'll kick the bucket!

Man why'd he have to talk like a middle schooler. 

J: WDYM, like he'll die?!

D: YES! It's something about a curse and everything, I'm not sure what exactly but yeah. 

J: You really expect me to believe that...where did you come up with this?

D: I have my ways.

 Jay looked at the last message and jammed the notes into his textbook, then gave Daejung an eye roll. Daejung's eyes were wide and he mouthed, No, I'm Serious!

Jay looked ahead and ignored him, but yes his mind was turning with thoughts. 


It could be so true. 

It wasn't like Jungwon hadn't done something paranormal before, his eyes, his metal, his running away at to Heeseung's, his avoiding Jay, and yes- his refusing to let Jay (let alone anyone) kiss him. 

But how would Daejung know? And if death was actually involved, Jay was sure that Daejung wouldn't have acted so nonchalant and snarky at the beginning of class. 

Maybe he should just ask Jungwon himself. But would Jungwon be sensitive about it? 

And if it were true would he be mad at Jay for knowing?! Jay didn't want Jungwon to be angry at him again, it really hurt emotionally and physically. 

Man was life confusing. 

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